MFA Brunei Certificates of Origin : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Organization : Brunei Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
Facility : Certificates of Origin
Country : Brunei
Website :
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What is MFA Brunei Certificates of Origin?
The Certificate of Origin is an instrument to establish evidence on the origin of the goods imported into any country. The certificates are issued under the scope of the Rules of Origin of any importing country that grants such concessions to tariff or merely stipulates a non-preferential certificate without granting any tariff concession.
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Types of MFA Brunei Certificates of Origin
1. Ordinary Certificate of Origin, is a type of document that can be used to satisfy your buyers that the products exported are wholly obtained or produced or manufactured in Brunei, depending on the Rules of Origin.Ordinary Form ( Form TRD 1).
2. Preferential Certificate of Origin, is a document in a designated format, which is used to claiming preferential treatment at lower or no tariff on trade between the signatory parties of a trading arrangement leading to a free trade area. It can also help improve the competitive edge of your exports under one of the available Schemes of Preference and Free Trade Agreements listed below:
** Form E (ASEAN– China Free Trade Area)
** Form AK (ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area)
** Form AANZ (ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area)
** Form AJ (ASEAN-Japan Free Trade Area)
** Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Agreement (TPSEP)
** ASEAN-India Free Trade Area
** Brunei-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (Bilateral Agreement)
3. Form A (Generalized System of Preferences (GSP))
Procedure For Applying MFA Brunei Certificate of Origin
1. A new company/Manufacturer must be registered, which can be made through an applicationForm available from the Department of Trade Development (DTD), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, (MOFAT).
2. The manufacturer has to submit a complete application form and manufacturing cost statement (MCS) of their product to the Department of the Trade Development for verification that the goods in question meet the necessary rules of origin. The submission should be made in the respective formats for the application of a CO under the various schemes of Preference and Free Trade Agreements. Usually, the MCS will only valid for 1 year but if thereis any changes occured within the MCS, exporter/manufacturer should notify the Department of Trade Development with the new changes of their MCS.
3. An inspection to the exporter’s/manufacturer’s factory will be arranged to see that it has the machinery and manpower to manufacture the product and keeps proper books and records of its operations.
4. Upon successful application, the exporter/manufacturer will receive a letter of Company Registration with a reference number.
Apply Here :
About Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was formally established upon the resumption of Brunei Darussalam’s full independence on 1 January 1984. The process of setting up the Ministry, however, began way back in early 1979 with the establishment of the Diplomatic Service Department. Its main function was to gradually take over the responsibility of handling Brunei Darussalam’s external affairs. Brunei Darussalam then has three missions overseas, namely Brunei Darussalam Commission in Kuala Lumpur, London and Singapore. All these missions were upgraded to High Commission in 1984.