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Organization : Town & Country Development Planning Office
Type of Facility : Application For Permission To Develop Land
Country: Barbados

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Application For Permission To Develop Land:

1. Every application for permission under section seventeen of the Town and Country Development Planning Act, Cap. 240 shall be made on this form.

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The appropriate fee in accordance with the Town & Country Planning Fees Regulations 1970.

2. Where appropriate, full particulars should be given in answer to each question.

3. Each application shall be accompanied by :
(a) In the case of an application for permission to sub-divide land, four copies of a plan, drawn to an ordinance scale not less than 1:250m. Such plan shall show the position, boundaries and size of the proposed lots, the position and width of any road reserve and of any gutters, trenches or other means for taking water to be made or constructed over and through the land, and the levels for surface drainage.

(b) In the case of an application for permission to erect any building or carry out any building or engineering operations, or to change the use of any buildings, six copies of a plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200m in sufficient detail to show the layout and design of the proposed development in relation to any existing building on the land and to the boundaries of the plot on which it is situated, and the layout of any proposed, existing road, or other vehicular access.
(i) In all cases where the land slopes, the elevation indicating the slope shall be submitted.

(c) In all cases the area of each floor shall be indicated on the plans.

(d) In all cases, the same number of copies as required at (a) and (b) of a location plan to a scale of 1:2500m showing clearly the location of the property in relation to the nearest identifiable road junction or other land-mark. The names of all roads and such other descriptions as may be necessary to identify the property should be marked on the block plan.

(e) The orientation of the property shall be indicated by means of a North Point on each drawing or plan and the scale to which each drawing or plan is drawn shall be noted thereon.

4. Where an applicant so desires, he may make an outline application for permission to erect any building reserving for the subsequent approval of the Chief Town Planner on a further application any matters relating to the siting, design or external appearance of the building, or the layout of the land or the means of access thereto. An outline application need not be accompanied by the plans or drawings required by paragraphs 3(a) and (b).

Where this application involves the erection of a building :
(a) in the case of development for erection of a house — nearer than two metres; and

(b) in the case of all other classes of development — nearer than three metres; from any side or rear boundary of the plot to which the application relates it must be accompanied by the following statement or statements signed by the owner or owners of any conterminous plot affected by the encroachment.

I,/We, (Mr./Mrs./Miss) ……………………………………………………………………………………………. hereby consent to the proposals contained in this application, which involve the erection of a building in the manner proposed within the prescribed distance of the boundary of my land.

(1) …………………………………………………………………………
(2) …………………………………………………………………………
(3) …………………………………………………………………………

In the case of any conterminous owner who objects to the proposed encroachment, a separate statement signed by that owner and stating the grounds of any objections should be obtained and attached to this application.

Should a statement of consent or objection for some reason not be obtainable, the applicant should notify this office in writing accordingly stating the reasons why the statement is not obtainable.

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