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All posts from Housing Assistance Barbados : Urban Development Commission

Organization : Urban Development Commission (UDC)
Type of Facility : Housing Assistance
Country: Barbados

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Housing Assistance:

The Urban Development Commission provides housing solutions, repairs and upgrades for clients in Urban Barbados. A qualified client can have their home repaired, or a new house constructed from a timber frame and cladded with plycem sheets.

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Clients may also be assisted with waterborne facilities which could be built onto the existing house to enhance the living conditions. Septic tanks, filter beds or suck wells may also be constructed or dug, or sewer connections can be made where possible.

If you are in need of our services then call our Client Service agents, email your help request or visit us at the Urban Development Commission to find out if you qualify.

Do I qualify for assistance?:
Applicants should be indigent (poor or needy) who do not have the means to provide for themselves for the request being made. An applicant will be deemed indigent subsequent to the social assessment being conducted by the Commission’s Field Investigator.

Requirements for Housing Assistance:
Applicants who are indigent (poor or needy) and do not have the means to provide for themselves should apply. An applicant will be deemed indigent subsequent to the social assessment being conducted by the Commission’s Field Investigator.

Upon completion of the social assessment, a Project Officer from the Commission will visit the residence of the applicant and conduct a technical assessment of the scope of work required.

Applicants are not excluded from receiving assistance based upon their age, race, sex, religion or political affiliation.

Under the Housing Section the Commission provides:
** Repairs and replacements to houses in the House Repair/Replacement Programme
** Waterborne facilities, in an effort to eradicate pit latrines in the Pit Eradication Programme
** Wells and Septic Tanks
** Sewerage connections where applicable

Policy of the Urban Development Commission Regarding Housing Assistance:
It is the policy of the Commission that upon executing repairs to the house of an applicant, that house remains the property of the applicant. Should the Commission however demolish the applicant’s house and replace it with a new house, the new housing structure will be the property of the Urban Development Commission.

How long does it take once I have applied?:
Each case is different and must be determined on its own merit. The applicant should contact the Commission to enquire about the status of their case.

What documents do I get when I have received assistance?:
If UDC has constructed a house for the applicant, he or she will receive a Key Transfer Form, verifying the client’s receipt of the house keys.

Prior to assistance, the applicant should complete a Consent Form (for demolition) and an Occupancy Agreement.

Consent Form:
The Consent Form serves as an official agreement between the Commission and client, that the client’s existing house is uninhabitable, will be demolished and a new house constructed.

Occupancy Agreement:
This is the contractual agreement between the Commission and the client, which outlines the rules and regulations for the client residing within Government’s property.

Key Transfer Form:
Once a new house is constructed, the Key Transfer Form is used to officially document the client’s receipt of house keys from the Commission.

1 Comment
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  1. Stephaney Mayers -Belgrave

    Hi my name is stephaney Mayers -Belgrave and am inquiring about a home for me and my five children.

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