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Talentlink Online Recruitment System : Jersey

Organization :States of Jersey
Type of Facility : Talentlink Online Recruitment System
Country: Jersey

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Talentlink Online Recruitment System

TalentLink is the States of Jersey online recruitment system. It enables you to:
** apply for jobs quickly and easily
** create a candidate homepage where you can see your application history and track your progress

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Related : Jersey JobsFest Events For Jobseekers :

** save your job applications fo?r future use
** receive email notifications about your job applications throughout the recruitment process

You must have an email address and access to the internet to apply online. To start the process find the States of Jersey job that you are interested in and click ‘Apply online’

If you can’t apply online:
If you don’t have an email address or you don’t use the internet, you can still apply for jobs with the States.

You can phone the recruitment team to ask for a paper application form.

Before your interview :
Pre-application contact :
** Contacting an employer for an informal discussion regarding a job before applying will give you the opportunity to ask questions and give you a real insight into the position and organisation. It also demonstrates that you are a keen and proactive individual.

Research :
It is essential that you research the organisation you have applied to before the interview. Take note of :
** the company’s website
** their core business activity
** the goals and targets of the organisation
** the clients they work with

Plan your answers :
To avoid giving ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers to questions, rehearse your answers to questions that you are likely to be asked, such as :
** past experience
** ability to do the job
** transferable skills
** knowledge of the organisation
** future career plans

Prepare questions to ask the interviewer :
** At the end of an interview you will usually be given the chance to ask questions. Have a few questions prepared that show your interest in the role, the company and the development opportunities it offers. Do not raise questions about salary at first interview stage, this should be addressed at a second interview or offer stage.

Plan your journey :
** Ensure you know exactly where your interview will take place and plan your journey, allowing time for unexpected delays. Plan to arrive 15 minutes before your interview time.

On the day :
Re-read your CV and the job description :
** You will be asked questions about your CV and the job role and responsibilities so ensure that both are fresh in your mind before the interview.

Dress to impress :
Wear appropriate clothing and always make an effort to look smart. Remember :
** it’s better to be overdressed than underdressed, you cannot go wrong wearing a suit
** it’s important that you feel comfortable in what you are wearing; avoid clothing that is too short or fitted
** consider covering tattoos and removing body piercings

Don’t be late :
** This is the quickest way to create a bad impression with a potential employer.

First impressions count :
** Always greet interviewer(s) with a firm handshake, smile and make eye contact with each member of the interview panel

It is also important that :
** you’re not chewing gum going into the interview
** your mobile phone is switched off (a vibrating phone can be an unwanted distraction in an interview)
** you smile and project enthusiasm throughout

Give full and positive answers :
** Try to give examples and explain your experiences, highlighting your strengths and relevant qualities. Avoid criticising former employers or colleagues.

States of Jersey Recruitment Team:
T :01534 440040
E : workingforjersey AT

Human Resources:
Cyril Le Marquand House
PO Box 600
The Parade
St Helier

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