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VAT & SBT Online Registration Thailand : The Revenue Department

Organization : The Revenue Department of Thailand
Type of Facility : VAT & SBT Online Registration
Country: Thailand

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VAT & SBT Online Registration :

Value Added Tax (VAT) has been implemented in Thailand since 1992 replacing Business Tax (BT). VAT is an indirect tax imposed on the value added of each stage of production and distribution.

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Related : The Revenue Department Tax Clearance Certificate Thailand :

Taxable Person:
Any person or entity who regularly supplies goods or provides services in Thailand and has an annual turnover exceeding 1.8 million baht is subject to VAT in Thailand. Service is deemed to be provided in Thailand if the service is performed in Thailand regardless where it is utilized or if it is performed elsewhere and utilized in Thailand.

An importer is also subject to VAT in Thailand no matter whether one is a registered person or not. VAT will be collected by the Customs Department at the time goods are imported. Certain businesses are excluded from VAT and will instead be subjected to Specific Business Tax (SBT). Under VAT, taxable goods mean all types of property, tangible or intangible, whether they are available for sales, for own use, or for any other purposes. It also includes any types of articles imported into Thailand. Services refer to any activities conducted for the benefits of a person or an entity, which are not the supply in terms of goods.

VAT Registration:
Any person or entity who is liable to VAT in Thailand must register to be VAT registered person or entity (Form VAT 01) before the operation of business or within 30 days after its income reaches the threshold. The registration application must be submitted to Area Revenue Offices if the business is situated in Bangkok or to the Area Revenue Branch Offices if it is situated elsewhere. Should taxpayer have several branches, registration application must be submitted to the Revenue Office where the headquarter is situated.

Tax Return and Payment:
VAT taxable period is a calendar month. VAT return therefore must be filed on a monthly basis. VAT return (Form VAT 30) together with tax payment, if any, must be submitted to Area Revenue Branch Office within 15 days of the following month. If taxpayer has more than one place of business, each place of business must file the return and make a payment separately unless there is an approval from the Director-General of the Revenue Department. Services utilized in Thailand supplied by service providers in other countries are also subject to VAT in Thailand. In such a case, service recipient in Thailand is obliged to file VAT return (Form VAT 36) and pay tax, if any, on behalf of the service providers.

In the case where supply of goods or services is also subject to Excise tax, VAT return and tax payment, if any, must be submitted to the Excise Department together with Excise tax return and tax payment within 15 days of the following month. In case of imported goods, VAT return and tax payment must be submitted to the Customs Department at the point of import.

Specific Business Tax (SBT) :
Specific Business Tax (SBT) is another kind of indirect tax introduced in 1992 to replace Business Tax. Certain businesses that are excluded from VAT will instead be subject to SBT.

Person liable to SBT:

Any person or entity who engages in certain businesses in Thailand is subject to SBT instead of VAT. Businesses that are subject to SBT include:
(1) banking under the law governing commercial banking or any other specific law
(2) business of finance, securities and credit foncier under the law governing operation of the business of finance, securities and credit foncier
(3) life insurance under the law governing life insurance
(4) pawn broking under the law governing pawnshops
(5) business with regular transactions similar to commercial banks, such as provision of loans, provision of guarantees, exchange of currencies, issuance, purchase or sale of bills or transfer of money abroad by different means;
(6) sale of an immovable property in a commercial or profitable manner, irrespective of the manner in which such property is acquired, only in accordance with the rules, procedures and conditions prescribed by a royal decree
(7) sale of securities in a securities market under the law governing securities exchange of Thailand
(8) any other business as prescribed by a royal decree.

SBT Registration:
Any entity or person who is subject to SBT must register to be SBT registered person or entity (Form ??. 01) within 30 days of its first day of operation at the Area Revenue Office if it is situated in Bangkok or at District Revenue Office it is situated elsewhere. Should taxpayer have several branches or offices, registration application must be submitted to Area or District Revenue Office where the headquarter is situated.

In the case of an operator who is a foreign resident, a person who is an agent of such operator shall be responsible in undertaking specific business tax registration for the operator who is a foreign resident.

File a Tax Return and Payment:
SBT taxable period is a calendar month. SBT return (Form 40) must be filed on a monthly basis regardless whether or not the business has income. SBT return and payment must be submitted to the District Revenue Office within 15 days of the following month. If taxpayer has more than one place of business, each place of business must file its return and make the payment separately unless there is an approval from the Director-General.

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