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All posts from Voter Registration Saint Lucia : Electoral Department

Name of the Organization : Saint Lucia Electoral Department
Type of Facility : Voter Registration
Country : Saint Lucia

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Voter Registration :

Registration in Saint Lucia is voluntary (There are no sanctions for none compliance) yet it is the first step in the process which gives effect to the exercise of the franchise.

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The system of registration is described as permanent, continuous and personal. It is permanent in that once registered the registration remains in force. (Subject to adjustment e.g. Change of name and or address) unless there is a valid cause for cancellation (Death, Migration etc.)

The system is personal in that a prospective registrant must apply in person to the registration officers if the registration is to be effected. No person can apply for registration on behalf of another person. It also provides for the issue of an identification card to the registrant when a registration is affected.

Persons who Qualify:
A person shall be qualified to be registered as an elector in an Electoral District only if, on the qualifying date he-

is a person who is :
i. a citizen of Saint Lucia ; or
ii. a Commonwealth citizen who has resided continuously in St. Lucia for not Less than seven years immediately preceding the qualifying date;
has attained the age of 18 years;
has resided continuously in that electoral district for a period of at least two months preceding the qualifying date.

Qualifying Dates for Registration:
There are two qualifying dates in each calendar year. 15th February in respect of the first half year and 15th July in respect of the second half year.

1. Requirements to obtain the New National Identification Card:
(a) Nationals:
Birth certificate
National Insurance Card (NIC)

(b) Non-Nationals:
Birth Certificate
National Insurance Card
Certificate of Citizenship from the Ministry of Home Affairs

2. Change of Address :
The Identification card
National Insurance Card
Utility bills for last three months prior to application for change, as proof of address.

A verification of the residence will be carried out by our Verification Team.

3. Change of Name:
The Identification Card
National Insurance Card
Original document showing change of name i.e Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Deed Poll, Affidavit, etc.

4. Procedure to replace a Lost Identification Card:
** Statutory Declaration form signed by a Justice of the Peace or a Notary Royal
** Two (2) passport size photos
** Five dollars ($5.00) stamp affixed to the form
** One hundred dollars (EC$100.00) replacement fee (to be paid at the Treasury Department)

The following persons are exempted from the payment of the replacement cost for identification Cards:-
(a) a person who provides evidence that his or her name appears on the Government’s Public Assistance Record;
(b) a person with disability who shows evidence or who, in the opinion of the Chief Elections Officer, has a bona fide claim that he or she cannot engage in gainful employment as a result of the disability;
(c) persons who are seventy years and over
(d) a person between sixty to seventy years old may be exempted at the discretion of the Chief Elections officer;
(e) a person who provides evidence that his or her identification card is defaced, mutilated, lost or destroyed as a result of fire (Fire Department Report), natural disaster or theft (Police Report)

5. Collection days of Identification Card:
(a) Nationals:
Within seven (7) working days

(b) Non-Nationals:
Within fourteen (14) working days (Citizenship Certificate must be verified at the Ministry of Home Affairs)

Replacement of Identification Cards:
Within three (3) working days

Contact Information:
Electoral Department
Godfrey James Building use to be called the old NIS building
On#23 High Street
Office Number: 452-3811/452-3735 4681403/4681401
Fax number 451-6513

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