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Name of the Organization : Federal Office For Migration & Refugees
Type of Facility : Naturalisation Online Test
Country : Germany

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If you are living in Germany permanently, you can become naturalised under certain circumstances.

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This is not an automatic process, but you have to submit an application. You will find the most important information on the topic here, and you can prepare online to take the naturalisation test.

Naturalisation in Germany:
If you are living in Germany permanently, you can become naturalised under certain circumstances.

To do so, you must submit an application. You can submit this application yourself once you have turned 16. Parents must make the application on behalf of children and young people under the age of 16.

You can obtain application forms from the responsible naturalisation authorities.

They will also inform you which authority is responsible for your naturalisation process:
** the immigration authority for your town or community,
** the youth migration services,
** the immigration advice service for adult immigrants, and
** the town council or local authority.

Before submitting your application, it will help to schedule an advice session with the authority. This will help clarify any questions you may have.

Naturalisation costs EUR 255 per person. A fee of EUR 51 applies to minors who are to be naturalised with their parents. Minors who are to be naturalised without their parents must also pay EUR 255.

If you are on a low wage or have several children who will be naturalised at the same time as you, the fee can be reduced, or payment in instalments can be agreed.

You have a right to naturalisation if you fulfil the following conditions:
** you have an unrestricted right of residence at the time of being naturalised,
** you have passed the naturalisation test (knowledge of the legal and social system, as well as living conditions in Germany),

** your habitual, lawful place of residence has been in Germany for eight years (this period can be reduced to seven years if you attend an integration course successfully, and can be reduced to as few as six years in the case of special integration measures),
** you have independent means of securing a living (including for family members entitled to maintenance) without resorting to welfare payments and unemployment benefit II,

** you have adequate German-language skills,
** you do not have any convictions on account of a criminal offence,
** you are committed to the free democratic constitutional order of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, and
** you have lost or given up your former nationality (exceptions apply with regard to this point, depending on the country of origin; please contact the naturalisation authority).

Important information:
If one of these conditions is not fulfilled, you are not entitled to be naturalised. It is however possible to obtain “discretionary naturalisation”. This means that the naturalisation authority can agree to naturalisation if there is a public interest in your naturalisation and some of the basic requirements are fulfilled.

Arrangements applying to children:
Children born in Germany have an automatic right to German nationality if their mother, their father or both parents are German.

Children of foreign nationals take German nationality if they are born in Germany if, at the time of their birth, Germany has been the habitual, lawful place of residence of at least one parent for eight years and that parent has unlimited right of residence. Children must decide when they are aged between 18 and 23 whether they wish to take German nationality or retain the nationality of their parents.

The naturalisation test:
By passing the naturalisation test, you can prove that you have knowledge of the legal and social system and living conditions in Germany.

Online Test :
Migrants can use the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees’ Online Test Centre to prepare in the best possible way for the naturalisation test and the orientation course test.

Naturalisation test/”Living in Germany” test:
Here you can become acquainted online with the General Catalogue of test questions for the naturalisation test, including the questions about the different Federal Länder, and work through all the tasks interactively. After you have attempted each question, the correct answer will be displayed:

You can also familiarise yourself here with the model test sheet for the “Living in Germany” test and the naturalisation test, as well as studying it in detail using the interactive mode. Once you have answered all the questions, the system will show you which answers are correct, after which you can explore brief background information on the correct solutions.

Important information:
The use of the Online Test Centre operated by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is naturally free of charge. All the test questions comply with the task catalogues approved by the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees does not accept any responsibility for the content of external websites.

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