All posts from Transportation Worker Identification Credential United States of America : Security Administration

Name of the Organization : Transportation Security Administration
Type of Facility : Transportation Worker Identification Credential
Country : United States of America

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Transportation Worker Identification Credential :

TWIC is a common identification credential for all personnel requiring unescorted access to secure areas of MTSA -regulated facilities and vessels, and all mariners holding Coast Guard-issued credentials.

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Individuals who meet TWIC eligibility requirements will be issued a tamper-resistant credential containing the worker’s biometric (fingerprint template) to allow for a positive link between the card and the individual. (

How was TWIC created?:
Congress directed the federal government, through the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA), to issue a biometric security credential to individuals who require unescorted access to secure areas of facilities and vessels and all mariners holding Coast Guard- issued credentials or qualification documents. Controlling access to secure areas is critical to enhancing port security. (

How will the TWIC be used?:
During the initial rollout, TWIC will be used for visual identity checks. TWIC holders will present their cards to authorized personnel, who will compare the holder to his or her photo, inspect security features on the TWIC and evaluate the card for signs of tampering.

The Coast Guard will conduct vessel and facility inspections and use hand -held readers during spot checks to ensure credentials are valid and identity is verified. A second rulemaking will establish access control requirements, including the use of electronic readers by certain vessel and facility owners and operators.

Who must get a TWIC?:
Coast Guard-credentialed merchant mariners, port facility employees, long shore workers, truck drivers, and others requiring unescorted access to secure areas of maritime facilities and vessels regulated by MTSA are required to get a TWIC. (

Are individuals who work on cruise ships required to get a TWIC?:
Most cruise ships that call on U.S. ports are foreign flagged and do not have secure areas as defined by MTSA, therefore individuals working on those ships would not require a TWIC. For U.S. flagged cruise ships, if an individual requires unescorted access to areas designated as ‘secure’ or ‘restricted’, a TWIC is required. If the individual only requires access to ‘passenger access’ areas, a TWIC is not required.

Does TWIC apply to mutual aid, first responders, etc. in the event of an emergency?:
State and local emergency responders are exempt from the requirement to have a TWIC when they are responding to an emergency. Additional guidance has been included in the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC).

Where do I go for ‘official’ TWIC enrollment information and services?:
TWIC information and resources are available on the official TWIC Program web site ( and through the UES Help Desk at 1-855 DHS-UES1 (1-855-347-8371) Monday through Friday from 8 AM – 10 PM Eastern, at no additional cost to the enrollment fee.

Who can I reach to get information or assistance if I believe my privacy or personal information was compromised from a vendor providing TWIC services (that are not endorsed by the Federal Government)?:
Federal Trade Commission, Privacy and Identity Protection:
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has comprehensive information on identity theft at

TSA Privacy Office:
If you suspect your personal information is being misused in conjunction with the program, please contact the TSA Privacy Office:
Email: TSAprivacy AT
Or send a letter to:
Transportation Security Administration
TSA-36 OSC Privacy
Transportation Security Administration
601 South 12th Street
Arlington, VA 20598

TSA Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) requests (access to one’s own information):
Individuals may request access to their information by submitting a Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) request to TSA in writing by mail to the following address:
Transportation Security Administration
TSA-20 OSC Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Transportation Security Administration
601 South 12th Street
Arlington, VA 20598

How will I be notified to get a TWIC?:
Facility and vessel owners/operators are required to notify employees of their responsibility to possess a TWIC based on their need to have unescorted access to secure areas of vessels and facilities. Notification should be provided in a timely manner to give individuals sufficient time to complete the entire enrollment process by the compliance date.

Owners/operators are encouraged to provide this same information to personnel who are not facility or vessel employees (e.g. contractors, truck drivers). Coast Guard Captains of the Port (COTP) will also be working with the local Area Maritime Security Committees (AMSC) to inform individuals of TWIC requirements and compliance dates.

Can contractors apply for a TWIC if they anticipate bidding on or receiving a contract that would require unescorted access to secure areas of MTSA-regulated vessels or facilities?:
Contractors (or individuals who are not direct employees of a port owner or operator, but rather are ‘contract’ employees) can apply for a TWIC as long as they meet the TWIC eligibility requirements and, at a minimum, are expecting to pursue contracts at MTSA-regulated vessels and facilities where the owners or operators have determined a need for unescorted access in secure areas. If circumstances change and the individual no longer meet certain conditions, they are required to surrender their TWIC.

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