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FSM Teacher Certification Program Federated States of Micronesia : Department of Education

Organization : Department of Education
Type of Facility : FSM Teacher Certification Program
Country: Federated States of Micronesia

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FSM Teacher Certification Program :

The FSM Teacher Certification Program provides the minimum required standards for teaching for all teachers in all classrooms, and also ensures that individual teacher goes through the process of proper certification level based on applicable performance competencies and educational backgrounds.

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Related : Department of Education FSM National Scholarship Program Federated States of Micronesia :

GED is a US standardized test that is administered regularly every year in all the four states to anyone who is over 16 and not enrolled in high school. The GED Administrator’s role is to ensure all four test centers comply with policies and regulations set forth in the GED manual, and to issue GED Diplomas to adults who passed the test.

Teacher Certification Requirements:
A person shall be issued certification to teach in the FSM School System pursuant to the provisions herein set forth by this section and subsequent sections thereof, and which shall bear the signature of the Secretary and the insignia of the national government. Said certificate shall be issued in manners as shall be prescribed by the Secretary. FSM Teacher Certificate shall be issued to those who met the educational background criteria and passed the National Standardized Tests for Teachers (NSTT). The following criteria shall establish the qualifications and eligibility requirements under this policy for which any person or group of persons applying for teaching positions or is currently teaching must meet prior to being issued certificates:

Any person applying for a teaching position or is currently teaching in any FSM School System must possess the following proofs of qualifications:
1. Educational Backgrounds :
a. An Associate of Arts (AA) degree or an Associate of Science (AS) degree or above will be qualified to teach in any FSM Schools.

b. Holder of degrees from non-US, accredited institutions shall submit copies of their degrees and transcripts to be reviewed and approved by the National Department of Education or its designated firm or individual.

2. National Standardized Test for Teachers (NSTT) :
There shall be a National Standardized Test for Teachers which shall be scheduled and administered by the States’ Department of Education’s certified assessment specialists. The scoring, analysis and reporting shall be performed within ten (10) days after receipt of tests by the National Department of Education. Any person applying for a teaching position or who is currently teaching shall be required to pass the NSTT or its succeeding version to be qualified under this section. The NSTT shall be comprised of two sections:

a. Content Competency Component:
The content competency component of the test shall measure the skill levels of new and current teachers in content areas such as language arts, math and science.

b. Teaching Competency Component:
The teaching competency component of the test shall measure the skill levels of teachers in practical applications of teaching methods at ECE-12 levels. This component shall consist of written examination which shall be made up of multiple choice type questions.

3. Certificate Eligibilities :
Any new or current teacher who shall possess an associate and/or bachelor degree from any U.S. institution of higher education or its equivalent and also pass the NSTT shall be eligible to teach in any public or non-public schools of the FSM and shall be eligible for appropriate certifications under this policy.

4. Class and Types of Certifications :
Teacher certification in the Federated States of Micronesia shall be of four (4) types

a. Provisional Certificates:
Provisional Certificates shall be issued only to teachers hired on contract, or short term basis or volunteers teaching in any FSM schools or applying to teach in the FSM that possess AA/AS degrees or above, or their equivalents with transcripts from their last attended IHE (Institution of Higher Education). Such certificates shall be renewable upon respective state Director’s request only.

b. Special Certificates :
Special Certificates shall be issued to all degree and non-degree career teachers and/or cultural teachers who meet each respective state department’s adopted requirements. Such certificates shall be renewable after four (4) years upon respective state Director’s request only.

c. Basic Certificates :
Basic certificates shall be issued to teachers possessing AA/AS degree and passed the NSTT; Content Competency Component and Teaching Competency Component. Such certificates shall be renewable after three (3) years upon respective state Director’s request.

d. Advance Certificates :
Advance Certificates shall be issued to teachers possessing BA/BS degree or above and passed the NSTT; Content Competency Component and Teaching Competency Component.

e. Optional:
Any teachers who have met the Basic Certification requirements (possessed an AA/AS degree and passed content competency tests) may be given the option to work toward a BA/BS degree or above for advancement from Basic Certificate to Advance Certificate eligibility.

5. Issuance of Certifications :
The Offices of the Directors of Education for each State shall ensure that teachers fall within the provisions of this policy are qualified accordingly and submit the list of these qualified teachers to the National Department of Education. The Office of the Secretary is responsible for the issuance of applicable certificates within ten (10) days, from the date the request was received. All certificates shall be issued upon respective State Director’s request only.

Restrictions and Penalties :
All certificates issued shall bear the original signatures of the Secretary. Any person found in possession of forged certificates for the purposes of deceit, malice and/or false duplication shall be guilty of an offense and shall be liable to a fine of up to USD $1,000 or imprisoned for no less than thirty (30) days or both. Such person shall be terminated from teaching in any schools in the FSM.

Issuance of Certificate Duplicates :
Any holder of valid certificate who shall lose his/her certificate due to natural causes or misplacement may request for duplicate through the Office of the Principal who shall file a request to the Office of the Director. Procedure for requesting duplicates shall be in accordance with part (IV)(5) of this policy. A nominal service fee of $20 (USD) shall be imposed and applied only to requests for duplicates and shall be payable to the FSM Treasury prior to the submission of such request to the Office of the Secretary.

Validation of Certificates :
The Secretary of Education or a duly designated official on his/her behalf shall validate all certificates by affixing their signatures on the said documents with the official insignia of the department. The Department shall be responsible for safe-keeping and securing of copies of all valid certificate issued by the department.

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