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Organization : Kenya Education Fund
Scholarship : Scholarship For High School Studies
Country: Kenya
Application Deadline: August 31st of every year

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Scholarship For High School Studies :

Sponsor a Student for only $63 a MONTH!!!:
The KEF matches individual donors with needy Kenyan students who, without external support, would be unable to access high school in their own country.

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Related : Africa Nazarene University ASF Alumni Scholarship Fund 2015 Kenya :

Your KEF sponsorship lasts 4-years, covering grades 9-12 for a student in boarding school. You will receive letters from your student and photos of them throughout your sponsorship.

Sponsored students receive:
** ** Room and board at school (both public and private schools in Kenya are boarding schools and cost roughly the same price)
** ** Textbooks
** ** School supplies
** ** School uniforms and shoes
** ** Field trips
** ** Feminine hygiene products
** ** Mosquito nets to prevent malaria
** ** Scientific calculator
** ** Mentoring and Career Guidance Workshops

How does the KEF select students?:
KEF scholarships are given on the basis of two major criteria:
Need & merit. Since 2001, the KEF has given more than a thousand needy Kenyan girls and boys scholarships to hundreds of different high schools scattered across Kenya. Our program is unique in that we reach students from all eight provinces of Kenya as well as a very diverse mix of ethnic communities.

KEF scholarship recipients range from urban slum-dwellers to rural nomadic families to refugees raised in Kenyan camps. A significant portion of our scholarship recipients represents the children of peasant farmers from across the county’s rural areas. In all, we seek to increase access to education for Kenyans from extremely disadvantaged backgrounds. As such we do not restrict scholarships to a particular city, town or ethnic group. Rather, we look for children who demonstrate a commitment to furthering their education as well as significant need.

To provide equal opportunities to all Kenyans, the KEF strives to maintain and even distribution of:
** 50% Girls
** 50% Boys
** 50% Nomadic
** 50% Non-nomadic

How to apply for a KEF:
If you are interested in applying for a KEF scholarship to high school, you must:
** Be in Standard 8, Form 1 or Form 2 (grade 8, 9 or 10)
** Have 290 marks or above on KCPE (unless applying in Standard 8 )
** Be able to prove that you have no means of paying for high school on your own

To request an application form, please email info AT

All applications are due by August 31st and are reviewed by committee in the USA. If you are selected for a scholarship, you will be notified by the following January or February. Due to the high volume of applications we receive, we are unable to notify those who were not awarded scholarships.

How to get a KEF application form:
1. By Mail :
** Send us an unused self-addressed return envelope size A4 already stamped with KSH 50.00 postage stamps (Kenya only).
** Return the completely filled application form (e-mailed or scanned application will not be considered) to the mailing address

Kenya Education Fund
P. O. Box 384-00100
GPO Nairobi

2. Visit our Office :
Central Church of The Nazarene compound,
next to Coptic Hospital,
Ngong Rd.
Monday – Friday 9AM – 5PM.
Please call before coming to make sure someone will be there to assist you.
Phone Number : +254 702 769 712 | +254 739 173 603 | +254 205 260 258

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