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All posts from Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest 2015 Irvine : Ayn Rand

Organization : Ayn Rand
Contest : Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest 2015
Country: Irvine, USA
Deadline : October 23rd, 2015

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Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest :

Have you read one of Ayn Rand’s thought-provoking novels? Now’s the time! Enter an Ayn Rand Institute essay contest for your chance to win thousands of dollars in cash prizes.

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ARI has held worldwide essay contests for students on Ayn Rand’s fiction for thirty years. This year we will award over 500 prizes totaling more than $90,000.

To stay informed about contest deadlines and other student updates, register here. Questions? Write to us at essay AT

12th Graders, College Undergraduates, and Graduate Students

Entry Deadline:
October 23rd, 2015

1st place- $20,000- 1 Winner
2nd place- $2,000 -3 Winners
3rd place -$1,000- 5 Winners
Finalists- $100 -25 Winners
Semifinalists- $50- 50 Winners

Select ONE of the following three topics:
** At his trial, Hank Rearden declares: “The public good be damned, I will have no part of it!” What does he mean? How does this issue relate to the novel’s theme?
** Who is John Galt?
** What is the meaning of money to Francisco d’Anconia? To James Taggart? How do these characters’ views on money relate to the events of the story?

Judging Criteria:
Essays will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of Atlas Shrugged.

** No application is required. Contest is open to students worldwide, except where void or prohibited by law.
** Entrant must be a 12th Grader, College Undergraduate or Graduate Student.
** To avoid disqualification, mailed-in essays must include a stapled cover sheet with the following information:

** To avoid disqualification, mailed-in essays must include a stapled cover sheet with the following information:
1. your name and address;
2. your email address (if available);
3. the name and address of your school;
4. topic selected (#1, 2 or 3 from the “Topics” tab);
5. your current grade level; and

6. (optional) the name of the teacher who assigned the essay if you are completing it for classroom credit.
** Essay must be no fewer than 800 and no more than 1,600 words in length, double-spaced.

** One entry per student.
** Essay must be submitted online or postmarked by October 23, 2015, no later than 11:59 PM, Pacific standard time.
** The Ayn Rand Institute has the right to provide contest deadline extensions when deemed appropriate.

** Essay must be solely the work of the entrant. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Essays must not infringe on any third-party rights or intellectual property of any person, company or organization. By submitting an essay to this Contest, the entrant agrees to indemnify the Ayn Rand Institute for any claim, demand, judgment or other allegation arising from possible violation of someone’s trademark, copyright or other legally protected interest in any way in the entrant’s essay.

** Decisions of the judges are final.
** Employees of the Ayn Rand Institute, its board of directors and their immediate family members are not eligible for this contest. Past first-place winners are not eligible for this contest.

** All entries become the property of the Ayn Rand Institute and will not be returned.
** Winners, finalists, semifinalists and all other participants will be notified via email and/or by mail by December 23, 2015.

** Winners are responsible for providing their mailing addresses and other necessary information under the law in order to receive any prizes. Contest winners agree to allow the Ayn Rand Institute to post their names on any of ARI’s affiliated websites. The first-place essay may be posted in its entirety on any of these websites with full credit given to the author.
** Winners will be solely responsible for any federal, state or local taxes.

Online :

Or mail your essay with stapled cover sheet to:
Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest
The Ayn Rand Institute
P.O Box 57044
Irvine, CA 92619-7044

Please do not submit duplicate essays!

If submitting your essay electronically, you will be sent an email confirming our receipt. If you have not received an email notification within 24 hours, please email essays AT If you are submitting by mail, please paperclip a stamped, self-addressed postcard to your essay and we will return it to you.

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