All posts from Student Scholarship Award 2015 : Cinema & Television

Organization : Kodak Cinema & Television
Scholarship : Kodak Student Scholarship Award 2015
Country: Global
Deadline: May 15, 2015

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KODAK Student Scholarship Award :

Two scholarship nominations per school For university or college students of film or film production at the undergraduate or graduate levels in a degree or diploma program.

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Nominations must be made by the school department or program official. Form must be completed in full to qualify.

Prizes Awarded in this Worldwide Program:
Awarded in US dollar, to be delivered by check, by mail to the institution

Excellence in the Craft of Filmmaking Category:
** Gold: $5,000 Scholarship Tuition Award and $5,000 KODAK Motion Picture Product Grant
** Silver: $4,000 Scholarship Tuition Award and $4,000 KODAK Motion Picture Product Grant
** Bronze: $3,000 Scholarship Tuition Award and $3,000 KODAK Motion Picture Product Grant

A Blue Ribbon Jury will evaluate all final selections. The jury will consist of one individual from Kodak and one from the University Film & Video Association (UFVA), plus a representative from the filmmaking industry. Nominees will be evaluated on the basis of academic achievement, creative and technical ability, communications ability, and range of filmmaking experience. Visual Imagery will count 50%, creative and other technical skills 25%, and the other criteria 25%.

Conditions of Entry:
** Entries must be completed works that communicate a story or theme in some fashion — no clips or short vignettes.
** Eligible institutions are colleges and universities in the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belize, Benelux, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Guyana, Haiti, Hungary, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Surinam, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.
** Each institution may nominate up to two students each year for consideration for the KODAK Student Scholarship Award.
** College student nominees must be fulltime undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the 2014 – 2015 academic year and planning to enroll for the 2015 – 2016 academic year in a film school’s degree or diploma program.
** All judges’ decisions are final.
** The names of the winners may be published on the website at Winners agree to allow the free use of their names, photographs and general location for publicity and news purposes in connection with the Scholarship Program.
** The winner’s film entry will be screened at the annual UFVA Conference.

Personal Data:
Personal data received in connection with the nomination is subject to Kodak’s privacy policy, which may be found by following the link at

The Nomination (to be completed by a school or department official)

Please note: Two scholarship nominations per school

For a KODAK Scholarship Award and verify that:
** The applicant is working toward the degree or diploma program described in this application and the camera work and/or film production submitted in the portfolio is by him or her.
** My educational institution attests to the nominee’s outstanding abilities and talent in cinematography and film production as expressed in the faculty member’s statement.
** If a Scholarship Tuition Award is given from this application, I warrant that these funds will be administered by my institution in compliance with the conditions of the prize.

Letter of Support:
Attach a letter of support from a member of your school or departmental faculty familiar with your camera and/or film production work. To the faculty member: please provide your candid assessment of the nominee’s academic performance and professional promise. You may wish to consider this checklist of factors: adversity of production challenges, verbal and written communication skills, creativity, initiative, teamwork, technical ability.

Important Note: Incomplete applications will be disqualified.

Deadline & Award Dates:
Nomination Deadline: Entries must be submitted by May 15th, 2015.
Award Announcement: August 2015 Scholarship Tuition Award Available: September 2015

Program Inquiries:
Michele DeLano

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