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All posts from : Corporate/Business Names Registry Prince Edward Island

Organization : Government of Prince Edward Island
Type of Facility : Corporate/Business Names Registry
Country: Canada

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Prince Edward Corporate/Business Names Registry

From This Page You Can Search for information on incorporated companies, non- profit associations, business names, limited partnerships, licensed extra-provincial companies, co-operatives and licensed insurance companies registered on Prince Edward Island.

Related : Department of Transportation & Infrastructure Motor Vehicle Registration Renewal Prince Edward Island :

For additional information about the Corporate/Business Names Registry, contact Joan MacKay or Adam Peters.

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Search by Registration Number

If you have a company’s registration number, you can quickly call up its information by entering this number below and clicking on the Search button.

Detailed Search:
For a more detailed search, select any or all of the criteria below and click on the Search button.
** Business Name
** Registration Type
** Status
** Registration Date
** Sort By

Business Directory:
This is a searchable directory of businesses, schools and other public service bodies in Prince Edward Island. All listings of individual businesses are subject to our business directory policy. If you are interested in having your business included in the directory, please read our list of frequently asked questions.

Find your Business

To find your business, enter your business name, or part of your business name, in the blank below and click on Find. Remember that we might not have your business listed exactly as you would expect: if you’re usually called Frank’s Take Out, for example, but your formal business name is 12434 Inc. then you could be listed as either. When in doubt, simply search for one or two words in your business name (like Joe or 12434 in this example).

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my business show up on this list? :
We obtained the following lists of businesses and amalgamated them into one list:
** Community Services and Attorney General’s list of Corporations
** Provincial Treasury’s list of vendors
** PEI Business Development Inc. Directory of Manufacturers and Processors
** Human Resources Development Canada’s list of businesses
** Evangeline Region Business Directory
** Kings County business database (Active Communities)
** West Prince business directory

In addition, the Visitors Guide and InfoPEI also contained information regarding businesses which were included in the directory. If you business appeared in one or more of these resources, it will appear in our Business Directory.

What is the purpose of the Business Directory?:
The purpose of the PEI Business Directory is to provide a single comprehensive list of PEI businesses to Internet users. The anticipated uses of the list are to provide:
** Islanders with a means of finding potential businesses
** on and off-Island businesses with a means of locating suppliers or potential business partners
** potential entrepreneurs with an indication of the businesses currently in operation.

What if my business is classified incorrectly?:
We have done our best to ensure that the industrial classifications are accurate, however, there will be errors. To correct the industrial classification for your business, click on the Send us corrections for this information link that appears at the bottom of your business’ listing.

What if I want to add more industrial classifications for my business? :
To request that additional classifications be included for your business, click on the Send us corrections for this information link that appears at the bottom of your business’ listing. New classifications will be added where appropriate, and at our discretion.

Why is there no description of my business?:
We would like to have businesses provide descriptions through their own websites rather than relying on a government site to do so.

What do I do to get my name added to the list?:
The PEI Business Directory is for those companies who have a physical location on PEI. If this includes your business, please complete our listing request form with the details of your business, including location and contact information and the nature of your business.

How do I get my business taken off the list?:
To have your business removed from the Directory, please locate your business through the search engine here. On your business page, use the link at the bottom of the page and check the box beside ‘Remove’ then click ‘Send Correction’.

Will the list be used for direct mail?:
The list will not be distributed in whole or in part to anyone outside of the Government of PEI with the exception of those organizations who contributed to the development of the list.

Users of this business list are advised that this list has been compiled as a general reference only.
The Government of Prince Edward Island assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein. Further, the Government of Prince Edward Island advises that, upon the request of the business concerned, business names are removed from this list, therefore it should not be considered complete.

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