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All posts from Registration Of Factories Sri Lanka : Department of Labour

Name of the Organisation : Department of Labour (
Type of Announcement : Registration Of Factories
Country : Sri Lanka…mid=33&lang=en

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Related : Department Of Labour New Registration Of Employees Sri Lanka :

Registration of Factories :

Industrial Safety Division
Department of Labour
97, Jawatta Road,
Colombo 05.

Every factory should be registered at the respective District Factory Inspection Engineer’s office of this division.

Head Office had been located at the above address and services of the institution have been decentralized in 11 regional offices.

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Registration of Factories :
Relevant application (CFIE-4) together with the factory plan should be submitted for this registration. This service is free of charge.

Methods of Submission :
(a) Submission of Accident Reports. :
Accidents that occur in the factory or in the worksite should be reported to the District Factory Inspection Engineer in from 10 by the occupant.
Grievous or fatal accidents may be reported immediately over the telephone or by fax message for which form 10 can be sent thereafter.
Other accidents which weaken the person for more than 3 days may be reported on the fourth day.

(b) Complaints :
Problems relating to employees’ safety, health and welfare may be submitted to the Commissioner of Labour or District Factory Inspection Engineer by persons or by Trade Unions.

Step by Step Procedure :
Step 1: Commencement of inquiries
Step 2: Providing basic advice on employees’ safety, health and welfare requirements and on violation of the law.
Step 3: Checking whether the advice given on employees safety, health and welfare and on violation of law in being complied with.
Step 4: If the position remains the same, then to refer then to the Court of law
Note: If breach of law does not exist during the inspection, such inspections will end.

Time Taken for the Service: No specific period can be mentioned. The period depends on the working environment, machinery and the work processes .

Supporting Documents :
Registration of the factory / worksite – Form CFIE 4
Accident reporting form – Forms No.10 and CFIE-1

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