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All posts from Complaint Filing System Egypt : Consumer Protection Agency

Organization : Consumer Protection Agency
Type of Facility : Complaint Filing System
Country: Egypt

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Complaint Filing System :

The purpose of this service is to facilitate complaint filing. Complaints received through the website are daily checked and examined so that a procedure may be taken in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law and its Executive Regulations that were mainly enacted to protect consumers.

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Further consumer protection services will be offered through our constantly updated website.

How to file your complaint :
If you wish to place a complaint, we recommend that you first return to the supplier to resolve the problem. If you are not able to reach solution, then call the nearest consumer protection organization to try to solve your complaint amicably before submitting your complaint to the Consumer Protection Agency.

If you want to report your complaint directly to the CPA, you have to chose between the following methods:
1-Call our hotline (19588) from any land line (The hotline covers Great Egypt – Alexandria).
2-Fax your complaint to 00202-35380384
3-Refer to the nearest post office to fill a free complaint form.
4-Deliver your complaint in person AT: 96 Ahmed Oraby Street Mohandseen_Giza.
5- Send your complaint electronically by using our online complaint form

* In all cases please attach a copy of the purchase receipt with your complaint or sent a scanned copy of the receipt written on it your complaint number to info AT

Please note that we do not accept new complaints sent directly to our E-mail address. The complaint should first be reported according to the above mentioned methods.

What documents do I need when filing a complaint?:
Consumers are always urged to ask for an invoice and to retain it in order to protect their rights. In case the consumer faces any trouble he should submit a complaint, together with the invoice proving the transaction, to the Consumer Protection Agency, so that the proper action could be taken (the consumer protection agency receives complaints from any consumer who holds a purchase invoice).

What is the invoice significance?
The invoice proves the conclusion of the purchase of goods or delivery of service between the consumer and the supplier. Upon consumer request, a supplier must issue an invoice without any additional financial or non-financial charges. Payment Statement is not be an invoice; cashier receipts / voucher can be considered as an invoice if name of supplier and the date of transaction are stated.

What data should be included at the invoice?
Name, location of the vendor; date of invoice/contract; price, specifications, nature, brand name, and quantity (number or weight) of the product; delivery date (in case later than purchase date) signature or stamp of supplier.

What are the terms of the sale on installments-basis?
The invoice of an installment-purchase must include the value of each installment, number of installments, the annual interest rate – and the fashion in which it is calculated ), date of interest addition, the total value of installments, means of payment, legal procedures in case the consumer fails to pay any or all of the installments.

Contact us:
E-mail address: info AT

Head office in Mohandseen:
Telephone: 33055768-5-2 | 33055795-6-7
Fax: 33055753

Complaints Department in Smart Village:
Telephone: 35380380-1-2-3
Fax: 35380384

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