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All posts from Mariners Service Egypt : Damietta Port Authority

Organization : Damietta Port Authority
Type of Facility : Mariners Service
Country: Egypt

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Website : dpa [dot] gov [dot] eg

Mariners Services

Damietta International Seafarers Club:
Services are provided for ship crews, shipping agencies, businessmen, dealing with Damietta Port Custom Zone

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Related : Exporters’ Registration Egypt Ministry of Trade & Industry GOEIC :

Accommodation Rooms:
** Modern Buildings
** Room Service
** Local & International communications
** Data Registry & Internet
** High quality Furniture
** Heater & Air Condition
** Fridges – W.C. – T.V & 400 Channel Receiver

Cafeteria & Restaurant:
** Pharoenic style Reception
** Sea food meals.
** Meat/ Chicken/ Ducks
** Flat 34 inch T.V
** Air Conditions
** Hot & cold Drinks.
** Curtains
** Ice Cream
** NO alcoholic drinks.

** Integrated Physical Apparatus
** Qualified trainers
** Reflecting Mirrors
** Air Condition
** Soft Music
** Sauna
** Paths
** Water Cooler

** Reading rooms
** Marine & Scientific bulletins
** Flat Screen T.V & 400 Channel Receiver
** Internet Access
** Local & International Info.

Medical Care:
** Qualified physicians
** Ambulance service
** Consulting room
** Medical bed
** Basic Medicines for first adids
** Sugar & Pressure Apparatus

Mercedes Benz Mini-Bus:
Air conditioned
Fridge – video – LCD – DVD
Recreation and entertainment trips for foreign seafarer’s inside and outside the port.
24/7 service.

For reservation , please call: 057/293222 – 293111

Marine Services :
Damietta Port (DP) provides an excellent package of services for all types of calling vessels. One of the most significant services is towage and pilotage. A highly caliber fleet of marine units is in use and renders efficient and timely services as per internationally acknowledged standards, under the supervision of DP’s Central Department for Marine Services & Environment Affairs.

Several firefighting and anti-pollution units are available as well. Whatever contingency that may arise is tackled quite efficiently and effectively thus ensuring highest level of port security and facility ecological hygiene.

All this is done through a well-trained highly qualified teamwork of specialized pilots, engineers and technicians.
DP also owns a 450 tons capacity shiplift to carry out simple repairs for calling vessels.

Guidance & Piloting :
** Approach to access channel from north-west direction :191

Ship Traffic Services And Equipment :
** VTS system.
** Communication system
** The traffic management tower is equipped with all necessary and modern equipments
** AIS system.
** Radar system.
** T.V. closed circuits.
** Wireless system.
** Meteorological station.

Traffic Tower :
** Pilotage is for all vessels.
** Pilotage area starts one nautical mile off external buoys marking the navigation passage.
** Towage is compulsory.
** DPA should be notified of vessel arrival of last 7 working days prior to ETA.

Marine Environment :
All port facilities mentioned in IMO. Conventions are available :
** Oil residues reception boat 700 tons.
** Land based waste reception facilities.
** Cleaning up boats for waste collection.
** Oil skimmers (fixed-portable).
** Enough quantities of non-toxic substances.
** 1000 m long rubber barries to prevent oil pollution.

About Us :
Damietta port is one of the oldest ports in Egypt. It dates back to the Pharaonic era. The French campaign found pharaonic remains in damietta which were transported to the ( louver ) museum.
The construction of new damietta port began in may 1982. on 28th October, 1982, the first vessel arrived at damietta port carrying 3400 tons of sheet piles from Saint Luis in France.

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