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All posts from Search For Notices Federated States of Micronesia : FSM Secured Transaction Filing Office

Organization : FSM Secured Transaction Filing Office
Type of Facility : Search For Notices
Country: Federated States of Micronesia

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If you want to search for notices that identify a particular debtor or that include a particular motor vehicle serial number, or if you want to find a notice by its file number, you may select the Search option either from the Welcome screen without logging in or from the Home Page while you are logged in.

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Related : FSM Secured Transaction Filing Office File a Change Notice Federated States of Micronesia :

However, if you want a certified search report of your search, you must be logged in and select it from the Home Page, because there is a fee for a certified search report. After you select the Search option, the search screen will open.

Whether or not you are logged in, the search screen includes tabs for the different types of search criteria from which you may select.

If you know the file number of the initial notice, select the File Number tab, enter the file number in the displayed file number field and click the Submit button.

If you are searching for notices that name a particular debtor, click the Debtor tab. In the Debtor tab, select the type of debtor on which you want to search.

If the debtor is a company or organization, enter its name as it appears on its organizational document in the displayed field, and click the Submit button.

If the debtor is a citizen of the FSM or a foreigner, select appropriate option. Enter the person’s name in the indicated fields and click the Submit button. You must enter at least the surname exactly, and it is recommended that you also enter the first and middle names if you know them exactly. If you do not know the first and middle names exactly, you may enter the initial or leave them blank. By leaving the first or middle name blank or using an initial, you will find all notices that name the debtor, but may also find other notices that name other persons who have the same surname and initials.

If you are searching for notices that include a particular motor vehicle serial number (VIN) in the collateral description, click the Vehicle Serial Number tab. Enter the serial number in the displayed field and click the Submit button.

When the search is submitted, the system will identify all matching notices and display all information for each notice in file number sequence, with all change notices for each initial notice following the initial notice to which they are related.

If you are logged in, the search screen will permit you to request the results to be certified. If you request a certified search report, the results of the search will include certification language and facsimile signature of the authorized official in the Department of Economic Affairs. It will also include a unique number for the certified search report that can be used to retrieve the report from the filing office database if needed later. The certified search report is an official record of the filing office, and you can use the printed report as evidence of the state of the record on the date of the certified report. If a court should refuse to recognize the certified report, you may request an originally signed certificate of authenticity from the filing office representative in the Department of Economic Affairs by providing the number of the certified search report.

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