All posts from File a Change Notice Federated States of Micronesia : FSM Secured Transaction Filing Office

Organization : FSM Secured Transaction Filing Office
Type of Facility : File a Change Notice
Country: Federated States of Micronesia

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To file a change to an existing notice, you must log in to the website, whether you are a user of a client account or a one-time user who has pre-paid fees.

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Once you log in, you will be on a Home page from which you can select the action you want to do. If you want to amend, continue or terminate an existing notice, select the File a Change option to go to the File Change Notice screen. If you are a debtor named on an existing notice and you want to object to something in the notice, select the File a Change option as well.

The File Change Notice screen is used to add notices that relate to an existing notice of security interest. The types of change notices are Amended Notice, Continuation Statement, Termination Statement, and Correction Statement. In the first File Change Notice screen, you must provide the file number of the initial notice to which the change relates, and select the type of change notice you want to file. Then click the Next button to proceed to the second change notice screen, which will indicate the type of change notice you are entering.

For an amended notice, first mark the name or names of each secured party who authorizes the amendment at the bottom of the screen. You may then add, delete or change information on debtors, secured parties and collateral by using the Add buttons in the control bar at the top of the screen or by selecting the tab for the type of information to be added, deleted or changed:
** If the amendment adds a debtor, secured party or vehicle serial number, click the appropriate Add button.
** If the amendment deletes a debtor, secured party or vehicle serial number, select the appropriate tab and click the X icon beside the entry for the item to be deleted.

** If the amendment changes information about a debtor or secured party, select the appropriate tab and click the Edit (pencil) icon beside the entry to be amended. The information will appear in the Add screen where you may change the information and then click the Update button.

** If the amendment changes the narrative description of collateral, click the Collateral tab and make the change to the description in the text box.

** If the amendment replaces an attached PDF document in the collateral tab, click on the browse button and select the new document. When its name appears in the box and you are sure it is the right document, click the Add Attachment button. The new document will then replace the old document.

For a continuation statement, first mark the name or names of each secured party who authorizes the continuation at the bottom of the screen. No further data entry is required, so you may then click the Review button, and then click the Confirm button in the Review screen. If the change is accepted by the system, it will automatically extend the period of effectiveness of the filed notice by five years. If the current date is not within the six-month period that ends on the lapse date of the initial notice, the system will refuse to accept the notice.

For a termination statement, first mark the name or names of each secured party who authorizes the termination at the bottom of the screen. No further data entry is required, so you may then click the Review button, and then click the Confirm button in the Review screen. The termination statement will be added to the record and will be displayed on any search that includes the initial notice in the results. It does not change the status of the initial notice, so the initial notice will continue to be reported in search results until the normal lapse date of the notice.

For a correction statement, the second screen is the Correction Statement screen. You should first mark the name or names of each debtor who authorizes the correction at the bottom of the screen. Enter the reasons for filing the correction statement in the narrative field. Click the Review button, and then click the Confirm button in the Review screen The correction statement has no legal effect on the initial notice.

After a change notice has been submitted by clicking the Confirm button, the system will assign it a file number and record the date and time of filing. The complete notice will then be displayed with the file number and date/time included for you to print or save as your proof of filing.

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