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Patent St. Vincent & Grenadines : Commerce & Intellectual Property Office CIPO

Organization : Commerce & Intellectual Property Office
Type of Facility : Patent
Country: St. Vincent & Grenadines

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Patent :

A patent is a title granted by the State to the creator or owner of an invention, which entitles the inventor to prevent others from manufacturing, using, selling and in some cases, importing the technology without his permission for a specified period of years.

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What cannot be patented?:
At present nothing is specifically excluded from patent protection but when introduced, the Patents Act of 2004 (s. 13) will exclude the following:
** Discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods.
** Literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works or any other aesthetic creation whatsoever.
** A scheme, rule or method for performing a mental act, playing a game or doing business.

** Diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical methods for use on the human or animal body.
** The presentation of information.
** Any invention whose commercial exploitation would be contrary to public order or morality.

** Any invention which is prejudicial to human, animal or plant life, health or the environment.
** Any plant or animal variety or any biological process for the generation of plants or animals, not being a microbiological process or the product of such a process.

What rights are conferred by the grant of a patent?:
In addition to the pride and satisfaction of having been recognised as a creator of new technology, the grant of a patent gives the patent owner the exclusive right to market his invention. The owner can either license the manufacture, sale and use of the invention by others or assign his patents right entirely in return for money.

What is the aim of the PCT?:
The PCT is designed to make the process of seeking patent protection for an invention in several countries simpler and more economical. It has become the preferred means of application for those intending to market their inventions widely.

What are some basic facts about the PCT system?:
The PCT system has two phases:
An international phase, which encompasses:
** filling of international application
** international publication
** international preliminary examination

A national phase, which is carried out by each designated national office. The decision on granting patents belongs solely to the national office in the national phase.

The International Bureau of WIPO has been appointed as the receiving office for international applications filed by residents and nationals of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Citizens and local residents are currently entitled to a 75% reduction in PCT filing fees.

What does an application for the grant of a patent generally contain?:
A patent application is generally made up of the following elements:
** A request for the grant of a patent which includes the applicant’s name, address, nationality and residence and contact information, the title of the invention and request that a patent be granted.
** A description of the invention.
** One or more claims, which must be clear, concise and supported by the description and which must define the matter for which the applicant seeks protection.
** An abstract which provides summary technical information about the invention.
** Drawings where required.

Applications under the new Patents Act will be required to contain these elements. At present, however, an application for protection of a claimed invention must be made in the form prescribed under Cap. 110 which does not contain all of the above elements.

What are the advantages of utilising the Register of Patents?:
Patent documents contain a considerable amount of information that can be used to enrich operations in industry. Patent information:
** offers technical solutions to problems in a particular field.
** avoids duplication of effort in the development of technology.
** prevents liability resulting from unknowing infringement of a patent.
** informs negotiating positions with suppliers.
** can be used to monitor competitors’ activities in the development of technical solutions.

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