All posts from Customs Gold Card St. Vincent & Grenadines : Excise Department

Organization : Customs & Excise Department
Type of Facility : Customs Gold Card
Country: St. Vincent & Grenadines

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The management of the Customs Department desires to maintain a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship between the Customs staff and the business community generally and the membership of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce specifically.

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The mandate of Customs is to:
i. To facilitate legitimate international trade and travel.
ii. To investigate suspected breaches against the Customs Laws and Regulations and other enactments relating to Customs matters.
iii. To prevent, deter and detect prohibited and restricted goods entering the state.
iv. To protect and collect the Government’s revenue.

The parties to this Memorandum of Understanding share a desire to:
a. Improve the quality of the operations of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Customs Department.
b. Maintain professional standards.
c. Adapt international best practice in relation to International Trade
d. Promote increased efficiency so that the business community will be effectively served.

1. Definitions:
For the purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise defined, the interpretation and definitions of the words, phrases and terms used herein are set out in Appendix 1.

2. Effective Date:
This agreement will take effect on the date of signature of the parties and shall remain in effect for a period of two years following which it may be renewed for further periods as agreed by the parties.

3. Qualifications for the Gold Card:
To qualify for the Gold Card:
3.1 The Gold Card Holder shall be a legal entity.
3.2 The Gold Card Holder must be registered on the Customs ASYCUDA system and must have updated records for the last 3 years.
3.3 The Gold Card Holder shall be a member, in good standing, of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of St. Vincent and the Grenadines or a member of a similar organization or Trade Association which is certified and has a reliable financial status.
3.4 The Applicant shall be VAT registered.
3.5 The Gold Card Holder is required to allow the Customs to conduct a preliminary Systems review of his business.

4. Privileges of the Gold Card Holders:
The Gold Card Holder will acquire the following benefits:

The Gold Card Holder will be facilitated through the Customs system in the quickest possible time by the following:
4.1 The Card Holder will be subjected to fewer physical and documentary controls than other business operators. The examination of import entries through the ASYCUDA will be done through the Green Lane. However, the Customs may decide to examine a consignment to take account of specific threats, legal obligations relative to prohibited and restricted goods or the safety and security of the consignment. There will be a fast track processing of documents/entries as follows:
(a) Declarations up to five (5) lines will be processed within three (3) hours of lodgment;
(b) Declarations between six (6) and twenty five (25) lines will be
processed within twenty four (24) hours of lodgment;
(c) Declarations over twenty five (25) lines will be processed within forty eight (48) hours of lodgment.
4.2 Priority treatment of consignment if selected for examination: If following risk analysis, the consignment of a Gold Card Holder is selected for examination, the examination shall be carried out as a matter of priority.
4.3 Choice of place of examination: The Customs would favorably consider a request from the Gold Card Holder for examination on premises including during working hours. The goods will be exempted from examination by the authorized Customs Officer unless it is a random or partial examination. Generally, there will be less Customs intrusion in the examination or inspection of consignments.
4.4 There will be a dedicated line available for payment. The Gold Card Holder would be invited to establish a prepayment account to facilitate the timely and convenient payment of consignments.
4.5 Recognized as a compliant client/stakeholder. This status enhances the reputation of the Gold Card Holder.
4.6 Other Indirect benefits. In addition to the direct benefits, the Gold Card Holder may derive benefits that are not directly linked to the Customs side of his business. Further, efficiency and cooperation may lead to more transparency and visibility and may have a highly positive effect on the business of the Gold Card Holder.

5. The Obligations of the Gold Card Holder:
5.1 The Gold Card Holder shall fully comply with the Customs laws and regulations.
5.2 The Gold Card Holder shall keep all documents related to importation or exportation for at least 5 years consistent with section 97 of the Customs Control and Management Act CAP 422 of the Revised Laws of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2009 (the Act).
5.3 The Gold Card Holder shall maintain all relevant records in a particular manner for ease of reference in order to facilitate auditing by the Customs authority.

5.3.1 The following is a description of the documents and evidence that is expected to be kept in St. Vincent and the Grenadines by the Gold Card Holder for the purposes of this Agreement:
I. In the case of a Gold Card Holder involved in the importation and/or exportation of goods, the documents include but are not limited to:
i. Copy of the entry
ii. Duty receipt
iii. Evidence of payment record
iv. Import/export permit
v. Financial statement and other accounting document
vi. Freight and insurance payment documents
vii. Bill of Lading
viii. Airway bill
ix. Letter of credit or document relating to money received or paid
x. Invoice
xi. Proforma invoice
xii. Order/contract/correspondences for goods purchased/sold
xiii. Agreement of copyright
xiv. Royalty
xv. Commission
xvi. Stock cards or goods accounting
xvii. Record of goods purchased, sold and produced, the calculation of cost and other necessary documents relating to the importation or the exportation.
xviii. Any other document that may be required for the purpose of conducting the audit.

II. In the case of a Gold Card Holder who acts as the agent of a vessel or aircraft, the documents required include but are not limited to
i. Manifest
ii. Bill of Lading
iii. Airway Bill
iv. Invoices
v. Documents of freight payment and other necessary documents related to goods landed.

5.4 The Gold Card Holder shall, in accordance with section 97 of the Act, give expressed permission to the authorized Customs Officer to enter into his/her premises or such places where his/her records are kept for examining the accounts, documents, evidence and information in any respect and afford such Officers every reasonable facility at a reasonable time agreed upon, via telephone conversation, facsimile, electronic mail or in writing, between both parties.
5.5 The Gold Card Holder shall permit the authorized Customs Officer to make copies of or take extracts from any relevant record or document.
5.6 The Gold Card Holder shall, within seven (7) days of receipt of such notification, pay all additional and/or outstanding duties that may arise from any review done after the goods have been released.

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