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All posts from Job Search Information St. Vincent & Grenadines : Department of Labour

Organization : Department of Labour
Type of Facility : Job Search Information
Country: St. Vincent & Grenadines

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Job Hunting Tips:
Think of the people you know—relatives, friends, teachers, classmates, church members and others. Make an effort to meet with people, and use these conversations to ask their advice, to make them aware of your job search, to learn more about their jobs or their organisations, and to get the names of others who might be useful in your job search.

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Target your resume/CV:
Make sure your resume is targeted to the employers who receive it. Make sure your resume is easy to read and the most important details stand out. Make more than one resume if you are applying to more than one company/organisation.

Be prepared:
You should have a copy of your resume with you at all times. It is also a good idea to have fresh copies of your resume prepared in case you are called to an interview at the last minute.

Create a contact database:
Write down all the employers you contact, the date you sent your resume, any contact made, people you talk to, and notes about those contacts. Keep a note pad with you at all times—take notes as soon as you hear about an opportunity or when you leave an interview. Get into the habit of updating your database daily.

Make a “to do” list every day:
This will help you organise your list of priorities and keep you focused on finding that suitable job.

Try the buddy system:
Link up with a friend who is also job hunting. Arrange to speak periodically and report on accomplishments, best practices, and future plans.

Learn how to talk about yourself:
Throughout your job search, you will speak with many people at different levels. You must be comfortable having conversations about yourself with other people. Keep in mind that you never know who may end up being useful to your job hunt.

Prepare a speech. You never know who you’ll meet in an elevator, in line at the restaurant, or on the street. Know what your skills are and how to communicate them. You should be able to tell prospective employers and others you meet what you have to offer. You should be able to talk about how your skills relate to the organisation that interest you.

Find out all there is about employers in your field:
Remain current on any issues or development in the field, read the news papers and visit their websites. It is extremely impressive during an interview if you know about any recent or current developments.

Practice for each interview:
Preparation is key to interviewing well. Friends, relatives, and career services counselors can help you formulate strong answers to questions you might not anticipate. Look at the list of possible questions on the interviewing section and prepare yourself.

Follow up with leads immediately:
If you find out about a position late in the day, call right then. Don’t wait until the next day.

Stay confident:
Job hunting takes time and energy. Remain confident, but prepare yourself for challenges ahead. Don’t get disgruntled if you are still looking for a job and it seems like everyone you know has an offer.

Writing Cover Letters:
Never send a resume/curriculum vitae without a cover letter unless the employer specifically states ‘no cover letter.’ The cover letter gives you another chance to emphasize what you have to contribute to the company or organization.

How to write a persuasive cover letter:
You may have many different forms of correspondence with employers throughout your job search—informational interview letters, cover letters, thank you notes, acceptance offers, and decline letters. These forms of communication are a crucial part of your resume “marketing” package. They communicate a great deal about your skills, abilities, and personality. Make sure you are as careful with these letters as you are with your resume.

Before you sit down to write your cover letter, do observe the following:
** take a close look at the employer and try to determine his/her requirements and needs;
** Next, plan your letter by placing the most important items first, supported by facts and examples; your letter should demonstrate how your background, education, work experiences, and abilities can meet the needs of the employer. This approach will help you persuade the employer that you are a good match for the position and that they should at least, interview you.

Your letter should provide the employer with the following information:
** Why are you writing?
** Why are you interested in the organization and /or job?
** Why would the employer be interested in you?
** What is your next step?

Show your value to the employer when writing your cover letter:
Show your interest:
Whenever possible, research each employer’s organization and then personalize the letter. When you indicate that you know something about the organization, it shows that you are seriously interested in the employer. This approach is much more effective than sending out dozens of identical form letters.

Highlight one or two of your most significant accomplishments or abilities:
This draws immediate attention to your most impressive skills. It also demonstrates that you are an above average candidate, which increases your chances of being singled out.

Be brief:
This shows you understand the value of the employer’s time.

Be persuasive:
Don’t just describe your background—your resume takes care of that. Be clear about your objectives and make the employer want to take a closer look at your resume.

Use a positive tone:
The letter should be written in a very clear and positive manner. Do not add details about yourself, your past experiences, or your education that may call attention to your weaknesses or raise questions about your confidence or ability to do the job.

Use powerful action verbs:
By using the active voice, you will grab the employer’s interest and convey a sense of energy.

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