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All posts from Application For Supply Gibraltar : Electricity Authority

Organization : Gibraltar Electricity Authority
Type of Facility : Application For Supply
Country: Gibraltar

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Application For Supply :

Application for the supply of electricity for any purpose shall be made on the appropriate form, care being taken to fill in the details accurately.

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In the case of a company incorporated or registered under the Companies Ordinance, evidence shall be supplied to the Gibraltar Electricity Authority (GEA) that the person applying for the supply of electricity is authorised to do so on behalf of the company and to pledge the credit of the company in connection with such supply.

The application form duly completed shall be delivered at the Consumer Office of the Gibraltar Electricity Authority not later than ten working days before the date when a new supply is required and at least four working days before the date when an existing supply is to be transferred for the account of another consumer, but the Gibraltar Electricity Authority does not in either case bind itself to have the required supply laid on within that period.

All consumers must complete a GEA Application for Supply and/or Termination of Supply form.

Characteristics Of The Supply:
The characteristics of the supply which can be made available by the Authority (the Authority shall mean the Gibraltar Electricity Authority) are as follows:
AC 240 Volts, single phase, 50 Hz.
AC 415 Volts, three phase, 50 Hz.

The provision of either type (i) or type (ii) supply shall be at the Authority’s discretion. A consumer’s appliances, installation, fittings and apparatus must be suitable in all respects for operation with the characteristics of the supply made available for his premises. The Authority may refuse connection to its mains of appliances, fittings or apparatus which do not conform to this requirement.

Explanatory Note on Voltages:
The voltage in Gibraltar has been and continues to be identical to that in the United Kingdom of Great Britain (i.e. 240V for single phase supplies and 415V for three phase supplies). Following a European Union directive, the voltage in the whole of Europe is now nominally declared to be 230V for single phase supplies and 400V for three phase supplies.

The permissible variations in voltage are however different for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the other European countries. In practice the voltages have not changed in the EU to any significant degree. In order to ensure that consumers continue to remain aware of the difference in voltage between Gibraltar and other European countries it has been thought advisable to continue with the declared voltage levels as heretofore.

Electric Lines:
Electric lines will be provided and installed by the Authority.

All electric lines will remain the property of the Authority and will be maintained by it. The Authority can require the consumer to contribute towards the cost of the provision of electric lines and other works in the following cases:
Where lines exceed 5 meters in length.
Where lines are laid on or in private land.
Where the supply is required for temporary buildings or for less than twelve months.
Where the cost of providing a supply of electricity is unlikely to be recuperated from charges for consumption over a reasonable period.

Position Of Electric Lines, Posts, Meters And Other Works:
The Authority will determine the position in which the electric lines shall be laid and where they shall enter the consumer’s premises and also the position in which the supply point or points (whether within or without the consumer’s premises), posts, service fuses, meters and any other works in connection therewith are to be installed.
The consumer shall provide suitable space and adequate protection for the service fuses, meters and other works to the satisfaction of the Authority and shall accept full responsibility for the safe custody of the electric lines, service fuses, meters and other works, Any alteration requested by a consumer to the position of the electric lines, fuses, meters and other works, after they have been fixed, shall be subject to the approval of the Authority, who will also determine what charge, if any, shall be made to the consumer in respect thereof.

Facilities Of Works:
The consumer shall provide facilities to the Authority free of charge for the laying of electric lines to the premises and for the installation of the Authority’s works and the Authority shall only be responsible for the temporary reinstatement of any part of the consumer’s property. The Authority shall be entitled, free of rent or any other charges, to run lines between neighbouring premises and between any other works installed by the Authority.

Inspection And Testing Of New Installations:
The Gibraltar Electricity Authority has the right to inspect the consumer’s installation and to refuse connection if it is not satisfied that each part of the installation is so constructed, installed, protected and used as to prevent danger. The Authority will inspect a consumer’s installation free of charge in the first instance. If the Chief Executive is not satisfied as to the safety of the installation, a written statement giving details of any shortcomings will be sent to the consumer. On completion of any modifications or repairs so notified, a further request for inspection must be made by the consumer who may be required to pay in advance a fee for the second and each subsequent inspection. The fee will be that determined by the Authority.

Where the consumer, his servants or his agents require that a test be made of an installation, then such test shall be charged to the person requesting the test, irrespective of whether a certificate of test is issued.

Alterations To Consumer’S Installatons:
Before making any alterations or extensions to his installation the consumer must give written notice to the Authority. If the consumer fails to comply with this condition and/or if the installation is found not to prevent danger, the whole of the installation in his premises may be cut off from the supply until the requirements for safety are satisfied.

Electrical Installation Of The Consumer:
The Authority shall bear no liability for the electrical installation belonging to the consumer.

The Authority shall bear no liability for any damage, loss or injury caused or arising, directly or indirectly, from any defect in the electrical installation of the consumer.

No new or modified installation shall be connected to the Authority’s mains unless the consumer provides the required completion certificate and as fitted wiring diagrams.

The Authority may inspect and/or test an installation to ensure that each part of the installation is constructed, installed, protected and used as to prevent danger and so satisfies the Chief Executive.

Defective Installations:
Should the consumer’s installation be found at any time not to prevent danger, the whole installation may be disconnected by the Authority until the installation has been corrected. It is the responsibility of the consumer to correct the installation and to notify the Authority accordingly. Any expense incurred by the Authority in tracing the faults and in disconnecting and connecting the installation shall be paid by the consumer.

Private Generating Plant:
Private generating plant, solely for emergency use in the event of failure or restriction of the public supply, may be installed in consumer’s premises, provided that a written application has been made to the Authority and written prior approval has been given. In such cases the Authority must be satisfied that the operation of the standby generator will in no way jeopardise either the public supply, other consumers’ supplies, or the supply within the premises where the generator is to be installed, and that the installation complies with the Authority’s requirements and relevant statutory instruments.

Power Factor:
The Authority may carry out tests or otherwise install equipment to determine the power factor which is maintained by a consumer’s installation. Should any such test reveal that the power factor generally falls outside the limits of 0.85 lagging and unity, the Authority may require the consumer to provide at his expense power factor correction equipment as necessary to ensure that the power factor is generally maintained within the above-mentioned limits.

Earthing To The Authority’S System:
The Authority will provide an earth terminal at the service position which the consumer is strongly advised to use in the interests of safety. The responsibility for providing and maintaining an efficient earthing system within the installation remains with the consumer and the Authority cannot accept any liability for any damage, loss or injury attributable to any defect in or default of the earthing system.

Provision Of Meters:
The Authority will provide, fix and maintain, without charge to the consumer, only such meter or meters as it considers necessary.

Measure Of Supply:
Except where otherwise expressly provided by agreement between the Authority and the consumer, electricity supplied shall be measured by meter and the register of the meter shall be prima facie evidence of the quantity of electricity consumed and in respect of which any charge is made or sought to be recovered by the Authority. Provided that if the Authority and the consumer differ as to the quantity consumed such difference shall be determined, upon application of either party, by the Magistrates’ Court, as per Section 23. of the Gibraltar Electricity Authority Act 2003.

Maintenance Of Meters:
The Authority will provide the requisite main meters free of charge. The Authority shall at its own expense keep all meters provided by it as aforesaid in proper order for correctly registering the quantity of electricity supplied to the consumer and the Authority’s authorised employees shall, for such purpose, have access to and are at liberty to test, inspect and replace any such meters at all reasonable times.

Accuracy Of Electricity Meters:
If a meter on being tested is proved to register within the limits of 2.5% fast, 3.5% slow, the meter shall be deemed to be registering correctly. The percentage error shall be the difference between the energy registered by the meter and the true energy, expressed as a percentage of the true energy.

If a meter is proved to be registering incorrectly to any degree exceeding the said limits of error, the meter shall be deemed to have registered incorrectly to that degree since the penultimate reading before the date of complaint unless it can be proved to have begun to register incorrectly on some earlier or later date. The amount of any refund to be made to, or of any extra payment to be made by, the consumer shall be paid or credited to the consumer’s account by the Authority or paid by the consumer to the Authority as the case may be.

If a meter, on being tested, is found to be stopped or otherwise not registering the consumption accurately, the quantity of electricity supplied for the period of such failure shall be calculated by the Authority on the basis of the registered consumption in the premises during the corresponding period in the previous year or by other fair estimation.

A consumer who disputes the accuracy of a meter may, by written notice within ten days of the receipt of an account, request the Authority to test the meter and the Authority shall carry out that test as soon as possible. The consumer or his representative may be present at the test.

In cases of repeated requests for tests of a meter by one consumer, the Authority may require a fee to be paid before any subsequent test is carried out, but if the test shows the meter to be registering incorrectly, the Authority shall refund the fee paid for testing and adjust the consumer’s account as set out above.

Charges For Supply:
The prices charged by the Authority for the supply of electricity shall be those determined from time to time by the Authority as per Section 10. and Section 14. of the Gibraltar Electricity Authority Ordinance 2003.

All charges accrue day by day as the energy is consumed, but accounts will, as a general rule, be rendered monthly, or at other intervals at the Authority’s option. Payment of all accounts rendered is in all cases due on demand.

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