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Organization : China Maritime Safety Administration
Type of Facility : Seafarer Certificates Details Inquiry
Country: China

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Seafarer Certificates Details Inquiry:

I. Input Seafarer’s Passport No. or Certificate Of Competency NO. to access the certificates’ details!

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II. Only details of Seafarer’s Passports, Certificates of Competency, Dispensation Certificates, Certificates of Proficiency (V/1-1 & V1-2) and Medical Certificates issued to seagoing masters and officers under the Manila Amendments to STCW Convention and Code are available!

Inquiry :

In accordance with Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, Chinese Citizens Exit and Entry Administration Law, Passport Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Seafarers, and relevant international conventions that China has accepted or accessed, Maritime Safety Administration of the people’s Republic of China (China MSA) takes charge of formulating and implementing regulations and rules for seafarers, pilots, magnetic compass adjustment officers and staff of offshore facilities (hereinafter referred to as the seafarers).

China MSA is in charge of developing seafarer competency standards, seafarer registration, training, examination and certification, verifying the qualification of seafarer training institutions, seafarer service institutions and seafarer assignment institutions and auditing quality system of seafarer training institutions.

Classes of Competency Certificates:
Certificates of competency are graded as follows:
1. Grade I: ships of 3000GT and above, or ships with main propulsion power of 3000KW and above;
2. Grade II: ships of 500~3000GT, or ships with main propulsion power of 750~ 3000KW;
3. Grade III: ships of less than 500GT, or ships with main propulsion power of less than 750KW.

List of the Recognized Institutions and Practitioners for Seafarers’ Medical Examination:
According to related requirements of Measures for the Management of Issuing Medical Certificate for Seafarers of the People’s Republic of China, based on the on-scene verification reports submitted by regional MSAs, the medical examination institutions listed as follows are qualified to undertake seafarers’ medication examination, and the recognized medical practitioners employed by those institutions are entitled to issue medical certificates. All the medical examination institutions and medical practitioners shall strictly observe the requirements. The regional MSAs shall carry out routine oversight and supervision.

Sample of Seamen’s Certificates:
Notice on New Versions of Certificates for Seafarers:
China MSA has revised Certificate of Competency, Certificate of Proficiency and Medical Certificate for Seafarers in accordance with Regulations on Examination and Certification of Competence for Seafarers of the People’s Republic of China (Decree No. 12, 2011 of Ministry of Transport), Provisions on Issuing Certificate of Proficiency for Seafarers of the People’s Republic of China, Provisions on Management of Medical Certificate for Seafarers of the People’s Republic of China.

1. For samples of certificates, please refer to Attachment 1.

2. The Instructions for Producing Certificate of Competency and Certificate of Proficiency for Seafarers 1998 remains valid until December 31st, 2016.

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