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All posts from Clearance Status China : General Administration

Organization : General Administration of Customs
Type of Facility : Clearance Status
Country: China

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Clearance Status:

To know the status of Customs Clearance, Follow the mentioned steps below.

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Related : General Administration Permit for Customs Broker Registration China :

Step-1: Enter the Declaration Number
Step-2 : Enter the Verification code and
Step-3 : Click on the “Query’ button

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Customs Clearance Process:
If an Enterprise Declares Import Goods over China E-Port Website and Gets a Receipt of “Guarantee-Based Inspection and Release Are Allowed”, How Can It Continue with the Formalities?:
After getting the receipt showing “guarantee-based inspection and release are allowed”, the enterprise may print the “guarantee-based inspection and release form” and then, by virtue of this form, go through the guarantee-based inspection and release formalities with local Customs office onsite.

Upon Declaration of a Customs-Supervised Certificate, Why Will the Certificate Be Returned by the System with a Prompt that the Supervised Certificate Is Not Input?:
Such failure is due to the non-standard completion of the customs-supervised certificate. The system cannot find the information if the relevant information of the certificate is filled in other places or in a wrong manner when the system logically judges whether the name and number of the certificate are filled out in the column of “accompanying documents”.

After Cancellation of a Verification Sheet, If Corresponding Declaration Form Is Cleared and Deleted, How Will the Verification Sheet Be Handled?:
After a verification sheet is cancelled, if its declaration form is cleared and then deleted, the electronic data of the verification sheet will be held invalid.

Upon Import Declaration, If the System Shows No Manifest Records, Then What to Do?:
Please check the manifest system H2000 and confirm that the manifest data have been input into the H2000 database. If no data are found in the manifest system, the manifest data provider will need to resend the data.

How to Find the Reason Why a Declaration Form Is Returned Due to Manifest?:
After a declaration form is returned due to manifest as prompted by the system, it is required to carefully check the “Customs District Code”, “Entry and Exit Date,” “Bill of Lading No.” “Means of Transport No.”, “Voyage/Flight No.” ,”Transport Mode”, “Number of Pieces Arrived”, “Weight of Goods Arrived” and other data, and also confirm that the manifest is the manifest normally arrived and confirmed.

Why Must the Declaration Be Made with Original Bill of Lading?:
Original bill of lading and waybills are the documents of title of the consignee of imported goods for delivery, and also the accompanying documents necessary for a customs declaration, therefore an enterprise shall go through the customs clearance formalities with the original bill of lading and waybills. When the Customs releases the goods, it shall affix a release seal on the original bill of lading and waybill.

When an Enterprise Makes Declaration, Why Will the Computer Reject Its Declaration Form by Prompting “Not Consistent in Business Unit Name and/or Code”?:
When an enterprise handles the registration and the filing of manual and tax levying and exemption certificates, non-standard input of enterprise name will lead to inconformity of enterprise data filed when customs declaration is made by presenting the enterprise name in the manual and tax levying and exemption certificates; therefore the declaration form is returned. Under such circumstance, the enterprise shall go through the relevant change formalities with the Customs

What Are the Registration Data that Can Affect an Enterprise Declaration to the Customs?:
Affecting factors on the customs declaration by an enterprise refers to the circumstances under which the declaration form cannot be entered or the declaration form is returned in the process of electronic data examination. Such enterprise information mainly includes:
1. the industrial and commercial registration expires;
2. the customs clearance expires;
3. the enterprise’s examination and approval formalities are not completed; and
4. the entry of the enterprise’s abbreviated name does not comply with its business name.

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