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Organization : Chinese Testing International
Type of Facility : Chinese Test Registration
Country: China

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Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)

The new HSK test was launched by Hanban in an effort to better serve Chinese language learners.

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Related : Confucius Institute E-Learning Center Online HSK Mock Test China :

The test is the result of coordinated efforts by the experts from different disciplines including Chinese language teaching, linguistics, psychology and educational measurement. The new exam combines the advantages of the original HSK while taking into consideration the recent trends in Chinese language training by conducting surveys and making use of the latest findings in international language testing.

Youth Chinese Test:
The new YCT test was launched by Hanban in an effort to encourage foreign young students to learn Chinese and improve their Chinese language proficiency. As part of this effort, since 2004 Hanban has organized experts from different disciplines such as Chinese language teaching, linguistics, psychology and educational measurement to work on the program, conducting surveys in order to understand the latest trends in overseas Chinese language teaching and learning.

Business Chinese Test:
Business Chinese Test is a state-level standardized test designed to assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers engaged in business activities. BCT is developed by Peking University under the entrustment of Office of Chinese Language Council International (“Hanban” for short). Its English name is Business Chinese Test (“BCT” for short).

Test Regulation

I. Registration and payment for the test:
If online registration is not available at the selected test center, you can go to the test center to complete on-site registration and payment.

II. Requirements for test takers’ photo:
Requirements for the photo are applicable mainly to HSK Levels 4-6, HSKK, BCT and YCT oral test, and the test score report for other levels does not carry a photo.

Preparation for the photo and its usage should meet the following requirements:

Format requirements for the photo:
** Test takers’ recent photo for identification (in a standard, two-inch form), and photos of daily life or landscape will not be accepted;
** No hat, scarf, headband or sunglasses are allowed to appear (except for special religious reasons);
** Both black-and-white and color photos are acceptable, and a white background is preferred.

To submit the photo, test takers may either log into the Chinese testing service website and upload the electronic photo in line with guidance from the website or bring the photo to teachers at the test center responsible for the registration and ask them to assist with the uploading.

III. Test admission ticket :
Information on the test admission ticket includes test takers’ name, nationality, gender, type and number of the identity certificate, test subject, test time, test center, test location and test rules, etc.

After receiving the test admission ticket, test takers shall carefully check the accuracy of the information on it item by item. Such information as test takers’ name, gender, date of birth and identification number must be identical with that on his/her valid identity certificate; otherwise he/she will not be allowed to take the test.

If any incorrect information is found, please contact the test center to make appropriate modification; otherwise test takers’ test results will become invalid.

The test admission ticket is an important proof that test takers has got the admission to the test, and those who do not carry a test admission ticket will not be admitted to the test room to take the test. After the test, test takers shall still keep their test admission ticket, which will be required before the receipt of the score report. To view the test results online or enjoying such value-added service as applying for an additional score report, test takers also need to provide the number of his/her test admission ticket no..

IV. How to change the test date :
After the registration and payment, test takers can apply to change the test date within the stipulated time, but cannot cancel the registered test; neither can the registered test center nor test level be changed.

To change the test date, test takers need to log into the Chinese testing service website ( and enter the Personal Center to make an application. The new test date shall be one at the same level and test center in the same year.

Deadline and charges for changing the test date are as follows:
** Before the registration deadline (including the deadline): test takers can change the test date for free.
** Between the registration deadline and 10 days before the test (including the 10th day): test takers need to pay an amount equal to 30% of the test fee before they can apply for the change during this period.
** Within 10 days before the test (excluding the 10th day): No application for changes of this kind will be accepted.

For test takers to take the internet-based test, the valid period for changing the test date for free is 27 days before the test, and other relevant rules are the same with the paper-based test.

V. Test regulations:
1. Articles Carried for the test:
On the test date, test takers must bring the following articles to the test room:
** Test admission ticket;
** Identity certificate (copies are invalid) which is authentic, valid, identical with the registration information and carries a photo;
** 2B pencils (two or more) and eraser, in the event that it is a paper-based test.

Other personal articles of test takers cannot be carried with them during the test but shall be placed in the depository or place designated by the test examiner. Do not bring any valuables to the test room; otherwise no compensation will be made for the loss.

Test takers who are unable to present the valid identity certificate and test admission ticket will not be permitted to take the test, nor will the test fee be refunded.

2. Time of admission:
Test takers shall arrive at the exam room half an hour before the start of the test, so as to avoid being late. After the admission, no test takers could allowed to leave the test room until the end of the Listening part.

Paper-based test: Before the start of the Listening part, late test takers can enter the test room and take the test; after the Listening part has started, late test takers have to wait till its end before entering the test room to work on the Reading part, with no extra time added to make up for the delay; after the start of the Reading part, late test takers are not allowed to enter the test room to take the test.

Oral test: Before the start of the recording, late test takers can enter the test room and take the test; but after the recording has started, late test takers are not allowed to enter the test room to take the test.

3. Test Methods:
(1) Test takers shall take the test in line with the arrangements and instructions of the examiner(s).
(2) All the answers shall be provided by filling in the answer sheet with a 2B pencil.
(3) Answering of the oral test shall be in the form of live recording, and test takers shall complete the test with their own recording device separately in line with the instructions and arrangements by the examiner(s).
(4) The internet-based test is a paperless exam, which requires test takers to answer via mouse and keyboard, and the test duration is subject to automatic timing.

4. Test regulations:
(1) Test takers must sit in the assigned seats and have no right to choose seats.
(2) Test takers must follow instructions of the examiner(s), observe the test rules, and independently complete various parts of the test.
(3) No break will be set during the test. If, due to any special reason, test takers need to leave the exam room halfway, he/she shall first obtain the consent of the examiner(s) and then submit his/her test admission certificate and identity certificate to the examiner(s) before leaving the exam room. After his/her return, the examiner(s) will give back the test admission ticket and identity certificate.
(4) In the oral test, no test takers shall temporarily leave the room. If any test takers has to leave, then the departure means to withdraw from the test.

5. Handling of emergencies:
(1) In case of any unfair treatment of test takers due to mismanagement of the test room, such as insufficient test time and damage to the paper or test equipment, which makes test takers unable to complete the test, the Chinese Testing International will make timely arrangements for a new, free test for him/her, but it will not assume any indirect loss and the test site cannot be changed.
(2) In case of any force majeure, such as a natural disaster or accident, which makes test takers unable to complete the test, the Chinese Testing International will make timely arrangements for a new, free test for him/her or fully refund the test fee to him/her, but it will not assume any indirect loss

6. Absence from the test:
If test takers fail to take the test on the test date due to certain reason that is not attributable to the test organizer, no test fee will be refunded.

7. Violations and penalties:
Test takers shall not open the paper in advance or write down the answer out of the right answering area, neither shall they tear, replace, copy the paper, nor take the paper or the answer sheet outside the test room. In case of any of such acts as cheat, substitution of the test taker, plagiarism, smuggled material, or disobedience to instructions of the examiner(s), the test results will be canceled.

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