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Renewal of Press Card (R) : The State Council China

Organization : State Council of the People’s Republic of China
Type of Facility : Renewal of Press Card (R)
Country: China

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English Renewal of Press Card (R)

Press Card (R) of a resident foreign journalist remain valid for no more than one year. Resident foreign journalist shall apply for extension of Press Card (R) before it expires.

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Related : The State Council China Green Card Application Procedure :

The IPC handles the extension of Press Card (R) of resident foreign journalists in a given period each year. Please refer to relevant notifications at the IPC’s website ( ) in due time.

Foreign journalists based in Beijing can directly turn in their Cards to the IPC for renewal. Journalists based in Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Shenzhen and Dalian shall apply at the original registration authorities for examination and extension within the stipulated time.

A resident journalist should submit the following items when applying for extension of his Press Card (R):
1. An application letter for extension signed by the chief of the headquater of the organization the journalist works for.
2. A valid Press Card (R)
3. Registration Form for Renewal of Press Card
4.Two Passport Photos

In order to strengthen the exchanges and communication, officials from the Department of Information of MFA or local registration authorities will meet with you while the extension procedures are undergoing.

In case of overdue application, an explanation for the delay has to be provided. If he fails to do so, without a justifiable reason, he shall be deemed to have automatically waived his status as a resident foreign journalist and his Press Card (R) shall be cancelled accordingly.

Cancelling and Reissuing Certificate for Permanent Office of Foreign Media Organization in China and Press Card (R):
The Certificate for Permantent Office of Foreign Media Organization shall be cancelled under following circumstances: 1. the permanent office of foreign media organization terminating its operation in China; 2. the permanent office of foreign media organization does not have any resident journalists for ten consecutive months or more and is deemed to have automatically terminated its operation; 3. violating the laws, regulations or rules of China, and the circumstances are serious.

Press Card (R) of a foreign resident journalist shall be cancelled under following circumstances: 1. the permanent office he works for terminating its operation in China; 2. He is leaving his post; 3. staying in China for less than six months annually on an accumulative basis; 4. failing to extend his Press Card (R) before it expires without a justifiable reason; 5. violating the laws, regulations or rules of China, and the circumstances are serious.

Before the cancellation of the Certificate for Permanent Office of Foreign Media Organization in China or Press Card (R) of a resident foreign journalist, the Information Department will notify related office or journalist; after the cancellation, the Information Department will release the relevant information to the public from time to time on the IPC website.

The J-1 resident permit of the resident foreign journalist whose Press Card (R) is cancelled will become invalid automatically 10 days from the date of the cancellation. If the journalist hopes to continue to stay in China, he shall present the relevant certifying documents to the exit and entry administration department of local public security bureau to apply for the alteration of his visa or the resident permit within 10 days from the date of the cancellation of his Press Card (R).

In case of loss of the Certificate for Permanent Office of Foreign Media Organization in China or the Press Card (R) of a resident foreign journalist, the permanent office or foreign journalist is required to report immediately in a written form to the administration that issued it (journalists in Beijing to IPC, and those in Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenyang to their local FAOs) explaining the circumstances of the loss and go through the nullification procedures.

The permanent office or journalist should put on a notice in the local newspaper declaring the Certificate for Permanent Office of Foreign Media Organization in China or the Press Card (R) invalid. The original copy of the nullification statement on the newspaper and an application should be submitted for reissuing the Certificate for Permanent Office of Foreign Media Organization in China or the Press Card (R).

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