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All posts from Application For Water Supply Installation : Beijing WaterWorks Group

Organization : Beijing WaterWorks Group
Type of Facility : Application For Water Supply Installation
Country: China

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Application For Water Supply Installation :

Basis: Beijing Urban Public Water Supply Administrative Measures

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Eligible Applicant:
Users within the water supply range of 8 urban districts operated by Beijing Water Supply Group

Materials submitted are in compliance with relevant provisions.

Material to be submitted:
1. Two 1/2000 topographic maps (construction scope shall be underlined with red pen);
2. One stamped drawing of the land approved to use (provided that there is no newly-approved land, plan sketch stamped by Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning can be used as replacement);
3. One plan sketch;
4. Construction Project Planning Permit (Copy) or Property Ownership Certificate;
5. Water consumption details sheet for non-residential projects (with the stamp of designing institution).

For the installation of small-bore water meters whose bore = 25mm, only materials listed in above-mentioned Item 3, Item 4, and a water usage application (daily water consumption volume must be noted) are required.

Users shall bring required materials to the business office and apply for installation.

Time Limit: 18 working days

Expense: Free

Result: Formulation of installation scheme will be complete.

Handling Department: Customer Service Center

Concept part :
Development goals: Capital standards International level Corporate mission: to ensure that the capital of the water supply security Enterprise spirit: Rou Shanqing and corporate style: Run things silent Enterprise values: enterprise development Social benefits

Employee income view: Xi water, such as gold Quality: water quality is the concept of life management : Strong base of the tube management concept: public welfare for the first benefit of the service concept: family service talent: people with their career concept: the concept of excellence:

Code of Conduct :
All the staff code of conduct love and respect their work safety innovation and innovation management personnel code of conduct fine professional communication will be efficient and enterprising in the high-level leadership code of conduct good practice demonstration self-love

Image endorsement :
Shangshui if water Ganquan Yongzi water safety is more important than Taishan safety and quality water supply services return the community Beijing water group and you create a better life bit by bit water

Water Quality Management :
Beijing water supply, including local water and external sources of water, in the water up to more than 20, the world is rare, showing a diversified water, water quality of the trend.
Local water source: Shunyi Niulanshan, the western suburbs to the bar ditch area and other underground water source; Miyun Reservoir, Huairou Reservoir and other surface water.

Foreign water sources: Danjiangkou Reservoir and other water sources (Group surface water plant can accept).

In the face of the diversification of water resources and water quality in recent years, the Group has always followed the quality concept of “water quality is life”, invested heavily, actively using ozone, activated carbon, ultrafiltration membrane, ultraviolet disinfection and other advanced water treatment at home and abroad Technology, factory water indicators all meet the national “drinking water health standards” to ensure the safety of water supply.

Based on the management of the water quality of the group, the water treatment laboratory and the group water quality monitoring center, the comprehensive water quality monitoring system composed of laboratory, mobile monitoring and on-line monitoring was established, and 302 pipe network terminals were set up.

Monitoring points, to achieve the whole process from the source to the leading water quality control. June 2007, the Group took the lead to reach the new national standard 106 test capacity recognition, testing items to reach 205, water quality testing reached the international advanced level.

Contact Address :
Huashui Mansion,
No.12, BEIWA Road,
Haidian District, Beijing
Postal Code: 100089
Office Hours: 8:00 — 17: 00 (working days)
Contact Tel: 0086 10 66411734

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