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All posts from FOI Freedom of Information Online Request Northern Ireland : Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment

Organization : Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment
Type of Facility : FOI Freedom of Information Online Request
Country: Northern Ireland

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Freedom of Information Request:

Requesting Information:
We already make a lot of information routinely available. Before you consider making a request please try:
** Searching our website for the information;

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** Checking our Publication Scheme and the Publications area, which details the categories of information made available by the Department on an ongoing basis.

Publication Scheme:
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme that sets out the information we intend to pro-actively publish as a matter of routine. The purpose of a publication scheme is to ensure that a significant amount of information is available without the need for individuals to make specific information requests.

All DETI publications are subject to Crown Copyright. Generally speaking, material may be reproduced for personal or in-house use without formal permission or charge. Reproduction for sale or other commercial use is not permitted

DETI publications can be viewed by subject matter below:
** Broadband & Telecoms
** Consumer Affairs
** Departmental Board Minutes
** Energy
** Insolvency
** Resource Accounts
** Social Economy
** Statistics & Economic Research

All DETI publications are subject to Crown Copyright. Generally speaking, material may be reproduced for personal or in-house use without formal permission or charge. Reproduction for sale or other commercial use is not permitted.

If you still cannot find what you are looking for, or you require information available on the website in a different format (a hard copy, for example) you can ask for it under the appropriate access regime by emailing your request to our Access to Information Mailbox or by writing to us at:
DETI Headquarters
Information Management Unit
Department of Enterprise, Trade & Investment
Massey Avenue
Belfast, BT4 2JP
Telephone: 028 9052 9900
Text Relay: 18001 028 9052 9900
Email: dfemail AT

Alternatively you may request information by completing our Online Request Form.

Your request for information must:
** Be in writing (including e-mail) unless it is for information about the environment;
** Give your full name;
** Give an address for correspondence (an e-mail address is acceptable); and
** Adequately describe the information requested.

Replying to Information Requests:
The FOI Act stipulates that you should receive a reply within 20 working days from the date your request is received, by the Department. That time can be extended where a ‘qualified’ exemption applies and we require more time to consider the public interest.

International Activity :
This is an area that is becoming increasingly important for the higher education sector in the context of a growing international labour market, the demand from employers for skills in operating in a global environment and increased competition for international students worldwide. The Department’s Higher Education Strategy ‘Graduating to Success’ has a section devoted to internationalisation.

Aims of the strategy, amongst others, include increasing the number of international students studying at NI higher education institutions, encouraging mobility of home students and staff and developing international institutional partnerships. As part of the out-workings of the Strategy there are also project teams focused on maximising international mobility and facilitating cross border co-operation and student flows.

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