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All posts from Online Application : Hungarian Scholarship Board

Organization : Hungarian Scholarship Board
Type of Facility : Online Application
Country: Hungary

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Online Application :

Technical conditions:
When working in the online application system, use one of the following browsers: Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

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Related : Ministry of Interior Apply for Good Conduct Certificate Hungary :

Accepted formats for uploading documents: doc, txt, xls, pdf, jpg, jpeg, htm, html, mht, ppt, zip.

The online application must be submitted through the following website: Applicants must register first.
If you have once registered do not create a new registration, use your old registration. If you have not saved the e-mail confirming your registration or you do not remember your username please ask about it sending an inquriy to the following email-address: mob AT However, we cannot provide you with your old password. After receiving your user name please use the password reminder on our website.

If you are a new user and therefore do not have a username and a password yet, please enter the following data:
** Username: do not use accentuated letters and special characters
** Given name
** Family name
** Display Name: After you log in the system the display name will appear in the top right corner of the webpage. If you click on that you can change your password and e-mail address.
** E-mail address
** Password: do not use accentuated letters and special characters

After entering your data click on „Registration”. After successful registration, the system will send you an automatically generated notification via e-mail. Please keep this notification.

In order to start the online application you have to click on ’Login into the online Scholarship System’ in the top left corner.

CV Data:
If you are a new user the system will automatically lead you to the ’Edit your CV’ page. You must fill in fields marked with . Old users are asked to check their previously given data under the menu point ’Edit your CV’.

You must give the following:
** Uploading you photo
** Family name
** Given name
** Maiden name
** Citizenship
** Place of birth
** Date of birth (Please use the calendar)
** Mother’s maiden name
** Sex
** Marital status
** ID/Passport number
** Permanent address – Country
** Permanent address – Postal Code
** Permanent address – City
** Permanent address – Street, Nr.
** Postal address (Only to be given if it is different from the permanent address)
** E-mail address (E-mail address given in the registration will be displayed; it may be modified)
** Phone number
** Studies in process and/or completed (For each study create a new line and fill it in as appropriate)
** Academic degree
** Other studies
** Language skills (For each language create a new line and fill it in as appropriate)
** Professional experience (For each workplace, traineeship, experience type create a new line and fill it in as appropriate, optional)
** Name of present employer, contact number
** Other professional practice
** Other skills
** Others
** Contact person in case of emergency

You can save the submitted data by clicking on the button ’Save’.

A properly filled in CV form is a basic requirement for each and every application. You may modify the data appearing in the fields whenever you wish to. All the data saved earlier will be accessible in the editing process. After the modification you can save the changes by pressing the button ’Save’.

Procedure for Both Old and New Users:
1. Click on the menu point ’Start Page’.
2. Click on the menu point ’Applications’ and on the link ’Please, Select!’.
3. Click on the ’Start’ button and then choose the ’Scholarships to Hungary’ (Scholarships for non-Hungarian citizens) menu.
4. Select the scholarship type you intend to apply for.

For scholarship types B and E short-term and long-term research stays are indicated under separate links.

Compiling Your Application:
A – partial studies:
1. As a first step enter your basic data
** Field of science (select the field of science that your research/studies relate to by clicking on the icon beside the empty field)
** Country of citizenship (select your country of citizenship by clicking on the icon beside the empty field)

2. In order to proceed click on button „Finish step”.

3. Other data, documents to be attached:
3.1. Fields to be filled in:
** Planned period of study (type here only a numberl)
** The semester you apply for
** Planned starting date
** Selecting the host institution (select the institution by clicking on the icon beside the empty field)
** Host faculty, department
** Name of host professor 1
** Language required for the studies/research
** Were you in Hungary as a scholarship holder in the past 3 years
** Do you have an application for another scholarship in process
** If any, what is the name of the organization
** Title of workplan

3.2. Documents to be uploaded:
** Workplan/ Cover letter
** Copy of transcript
** Certificate of language knowledge
** Copy of enrolment issued by the applicant’s home institution
** Letter of acceptance
** Medical certificate
** Copy of highest degree/diploma

3.3. How to prepare the HSB application form:
After uploading the data and the documents required save the page and click on button „Merge”. Save the automatically generated HSB Application Form at your own computer. This document can be opened with Internet Explorer or Microsoft Word. Print out the application form, sign it, and place this application form on top of your application package.

4. Send your online application by clicking on button „Finish step”. Note! By clicking on this button your application will disappear from the „My Tasks” list, from this point you will be unable to edit it. You will receive an automatically generated email notification if the submission of your application was successful.

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