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All posts from Residence Permit/ Red-White-Red Card Austria : Federal Ministry

Organization : Federal Ministry of Austria
Type of Facility : Residence Permit/ Red-White-Red Card
Country: Austria

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Residence Permit/ Red-White-Red Card :

Entry and Residence in Austria:
You will find here important information and practical references concerning entry and residence in Austria or in the Schengen Area as well as information about the application process, relocations to Austria, authentications, information on Working Holiday Programs and references to relevant authorities.

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Related : Federal Ministry of Austria Loss of Passport :

This selection is a service without any claim to accuracy and completeness.

Entry and Visa:
If you are planning to stay in Austria or in the Schengen Area for a period of more than 90 days up to six months, you will find important information here:
** Visa requirements
** Applications forms
** Practical references to the application process

Linguistic competence in Austrian visa offices

Due to the financial funding of the External Borders Fund, employees of Austrian representations abroad, either posted or locally employed who experienced increased visa applications, benefited from additional language support during the period from 1 January 2009 to 30 June 2014.

Residence Permit/ Red-White-Red Card:
The Settlement and Residence Act (Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz, NAG) regulates the granting, denial and withdrawal of rights of residence to and from foreigners who are residing or wish to reside in Austria for more than 6 months, as well as the documentation of rights of residence under Community Law.

Stays of up to six months follow the provisions of the EU Visa Code or the Aliens Police Act (Fremdenpolizeigesetz).

Depending on the personal situation there are various options for a residence permit.

Residence permit:
General information on residence permit (temporary limited stay), e.g.
** Rotational employee
** Seconded employee
** Self-employed person
** Artists
** Special cases of gainful employment
** Pupils
** Students
** Community service employees
** Researcher
** Family community

Can be found on the website as well as on the migration platform.

Red-White-Red Card:
With the Red-White-Red Card, Austria launched a new and flexible immigration system which enables long-term immigration for qualified professionals from third countries and their family members.

You can find important information on the Red-White-Red Card, all other requirements regarding work or establishment as well as information on living and working conditions in Austria on the migration platform of the Austrian Federal Government.

Citizens’ Desk – protection & assistance :
This section provides important information on what to do in an emergency situation abroad and how the Foreign Ministry and/or the Austrian representation authorities abroad can assist you:
** What to do if you lose your passport or money
** What to do in the event of accident, illness or death abroad
** What to do in a crisis situation
** What to do if you have been the victim of a criminal act

The services provided also include information on legal matters, including on:
** What to do in the event of arrest and criminal proceedings in a foreign country
** What to do in case of parental child abduction
** What to do when faced with civil or inheritance issues
** What to do when faced with administrative issues
** How to find a suitable lawyer (lawyers’ fees are to be paid by the parties)

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