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DZIV State Intellectual Property Office Croatia : Trademarks Search

Organization : State Intellectual Property Office
Type of Facility : Trademarks Search
Country: Croatia

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DZIV Trademarks Search Instructions

Registration Number:
Field type: textual

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Field description:
Trademark registration numbers are entered in the following manner:
The numbers of the trademarks applied for up to 31.12.1999. start with Ž, followed by two characters for the year and four characters for the ordinal number of the trademark application in the year. They end with a letter A, so long as the application is concerned.

The numbers of the trademarks applied after 1.1.2000. start with Z, followed by four characters for the year and four characters for the ordinal number of the trademark application in the year. They end with a letter A, so long as the application is concerned.

Examples of trademark registration numbers:

Representation of a Sign (verbal element):
Field type: textual

Field description:
Trademark verbal element consists of alphanumeric characters. Trademarks that are completely figurative (not containing verbal elements) are represented by abbreviations Fig.

Examples of trademark names:

Application Publication Date:
Field type: date

Field description:
The publication date of an application is the publication date of the Croatian Intellectual Property Gazette in which the trademark application has been published. Up to 30 September 2013, the Gazette was published on the last day of every month, whereas from 11 October 2013 on, the Gazette will be published once in two weeks, on Fridays (irrespective of whether that day is a working day or not).

Trademark Publication Date:
Field type: date

Field description:
Publication date of a trademark is the publication date of the Croatian Intellectual Property Gazette in which the trademark has been published. Up to 30 September 2013, the Gazette was published on the last day of every month, whereas from 11 October 2013 on, the Gazette will be published once in two weeks, on Fridays (irrespective of whether that day is a working day or not).

Validity Date:
Field type: date
Field description: Date of validity of a trademark registration.

Class of the Nice Classification:
Field type: numeric

Field description:
A class of the Nice Classification is the classification symbol of a class according to the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification). Classes range from 1 to 45.

Field type: textual

Field description:
Applicant is a person (natural or legal) who filed a trademark application with the Office. Once the application becomes a registered trademark, the applicant becomes the holder of the right.

Search may be made only according to the name and surname of a natural person and the name of a legal person, respectively. Address is not included in the search.

Applicant/Holder (State):
Field type: textual

Field description:
he applicants state is the state in which the applicant has her/his domicile/principal place of business.

Application Date:
Field type: date

Field description:
The application date is the date of filing of a trademark application with the State Intellectual Property Office.

Granting Date:
Field type: date

Field description:
Granting date is the date of entry of a trademark in the trademark register.

Field type: textual

Field description:
A representative is a natural or a legal person who represents the applicant before the Office. The representation may be exercised by a representative registered by the Office. A list of registered representatives may be found on this web site.

Search may be made only according to the name and surname of a natural person, and the name of a legal person. Address is not included in the search.

Vienna Classification:
Field type: textual

Field description:
The Vienna Classification describes figurative elements of marks according to the International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks. The values of the Vienna Classification are entered in the base as a sequence of two numeric marks separated by a point.

Examples of the Vienna Classification:

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