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All posts from Patent Grant & Renewal Fee Online Payment Ireland : Irish Patents Office

Organization : Irish Patents Office – Intellectual Property (IP)
Type of Facility : Patent Grant & Renewal Fee Online Payment
Country: Ireland

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Patent Grant Fee Online Payment :

Please enter the patent application number(s) for which it is desired to pay the grant fee in the box below, or select a file of numbers, and click “Proceed”.

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Related : Irish Patents Office Patent Application Ireland :

Irish Application Number 1990/1139
Irish Short-Term Application Number S1999/0122
Several Patents can be keyed-in using a comma as separator 1990/1139, S1999/0122

Patent Online Renewal Fee Payment:
Please enter the Patent Application Number(s) or Grant Number(s) to be renewed in the box below, or select a file of numbers, and click “Proceed”.

Irish Application Number 1990/1139
Irish Short-Term Application Number S1999/0122
Irish Granted Patent Number 55555
Irish Short-Term Granted Patent Number S81161
Several Patents can be keyed-in using a comma as separator 1990/1139, S1999/0122, 55555

Grant Fee Payment Procedure:
1. You have selected the option to pay a patent grant fee. You are now invited to enter the patent application number in the box (example below). You can find this number on the letter you received requesting payment of the grant fee.
2.If the privacy level setting of your browser blocks any cookies, the on line payment system of the Patents office website displays the following message
3.Your browser must accept cookies in order to continue with your payment
4.This warning invites you to change the privacy setting of your web browser otherwise you will not be able to proceed with the payment of the intellectual property rights you wish to renew or to register. See “How to change the privacy security settings of your web browser”
5. A single number or multiple numbers can be entered. When entering more than one number separate each number with a comma. e.g. 2007/0001, S2008/0059 etc.
6. Irish short-term patent application numbers have the letter “S” preceding the number; this letter “S” must be entered as part of the number.
7. In the case of a pending patent application for which a grant fee has been requested the application number must be entered as follows: 2008/0001 or S2007/0001.
8. Numbers can be cut and pasted from a word document or an EXCEL spreadsheet.
9. The BROWSE button on this screen can be used to locate your file containing the numbers to be granted and having located this file you can insert all the numbers by clicking on the LOAD FILE button. This is a very useful feature where large volumes of renewals are being processed.
10. You must not enter a mixture of patent, trademark or design numbers. Confine the number to the category you initially selected. Once you have entered your number or numbers you should click the PROCEED button on the bottom right of the screen to proceed.

Renewal Fee Payment Procedure:
** Having previously selected the intellectual property right you wish to renew (i.e. patent or SPC) you are invited to enter the number of the patent(s) you wish to renew in the box (example below).
** If the privacy level setting of your browser blocks any cookies, the on line payment system of the Patents office website displays the following message
** Your browser must accept cookies in order to continue with your payment
** This warning invites you to change the privacy setting of your web browser otherwise you will not be able to proceed with the payment of the intellectual property rights you wish to renew or to register. See “How to change the privacy security settings of your web browser”
** A single number or multiple numbers can be entered. When entering more than one number separate each number with a comma. e.g. S11236,0912567,55555, 2004/001, etc.
** Irish short-term patents have the letter “S” preceding the number; this letter “S” must be entered as part of the number.
** In the case of a pending patent application for which a renewal fee is due the application number must be entered as follows: 2002/0001 or 02/0001.
** Numbers can be cut and pasted from a word document or an EXCEL spreadsheet.
** The BROWSE button on this screen can be used to locate your file containing the numbers to be renewed and having located this file you can insert all the numbers by clicking on the LOAD FILE button. This is a very useful feature where large volumes of renewals are being processed.
** You must not enter a mixture of patent, trademark or design numbers. Confine the number to the category you initially selected. Once you have entered your number or numbers you should click the PROCEED button on the bottom right of the screen to proceed.

How To Change The Privacy Security:
Settings Of Your Web Browser: (case Internet Explorer 8)
Please ensure that the privacy settings of your browser accepts first- party cookies allowing the on line payment system to store your details (name and address requested in the registration form) that the Patents Office website will reuse the next time you will pay on line.

If the privacy level setting of your browser blocks any cookies, the on line payment system of the Patents office website displays the following message

Your browser must accept cookies in order to continue with your payment

This warning invites you to change the privacy setting of your web browser otherwise you will not be able to proceed with the payment of the intellectual property rights you wish to renew or to register.

In order to amend your Internet privacy settings in Internet Explorer (IE8 used in example), please do the following:
1. Under tools, select Internet options
2. In the box which opens, select the privacy tab

For how to change privacy settings in other web browsers, please consult the relevant browser’s help.

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