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All posts from Nurse License Renewal : Texas Board of Nursing

Organization : Texas Board of Nursing
Type of Facility : Nurse License Renewal
Country: United States of America

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Nurse License Renewal:

Please note: You may not renew more than two months in advance of your expiration date.

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Related : Texas Board of Nursing Apply for Nurse Examination Application United States of America :

Nurses may renew online, unless one of the following is true:
** The Nurse has defaulted on a Texas Guaranteed Student Loan.
** The Nurse has not met the mandatory continuing nursing education (CNE) requirements and/or has been selected for a CNE Audit. Proof of continuing nursing education must be received in our office in order for the license to be released or renewed.

** The Nurse has been selected for a Criminal Background Check and the process has not been completed.

** The Nurse is recognized as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and has not met the mandatory APRN audit requirements. Proof of current national certification for each type of approved recognition must be received in our office in order for the license to be released for renewal.

** The Nurse’s primary state of residence is a compact state other than Texas. Check here to see more information regarding the Nurse Licensure Compact and to check if your state is included.
** The license number and/or last four digits of the Social Security Number entered do not match the information on the Boards files.

Eligibility Issues:
For any criminal offense, including those pending appeal:
Have you, within the past 24 months or since your last renewal
** Been convicted of a misdemeanor?
** Been convicted of a felony?
** Pled nolo contendere, no contest, or guilty?
** Received deferred adjudication?
** Been placed on community supervision or court-ordered probation, whether or not adjudicated guilty?
** Been sentenced to serve jail or prison time or court-ordered confinement?
** Been granted pre-trial diversion?
** Been arrested or have any pending criminal charges?
** Been cited or charged with any violation of the law?
** Been subject of a court-martial; Article 15 violation; or received any form of military judgment, punishment, or action?

You may only exclude Class C misdemeanor traffic violations or offenses previously disclosed to the Texas Board of Nursing on an initial renewal licensure application.

Expunged and Sealed Offenses:
While expunged or sealed offenses, arrests, tickets, or citations need not be disclosed, it is your responsibility to ensure the offense, arrest, ticket, or citation has, in fact, been expunged or sealed.

It is recommended that you submit a copy of the Court Order expunging or sealing the record in question to our office with your application. Failure to reveal an offense, arrest, ticket, or citation that is not in fact expunged or sealed, will at a minimum, subject your license to a disciplinary fine. Non-disclosure of relevant offenses raises questions related to truthfulness and character of the Nurse.

Orders of Non-disclosure:
Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code §552.142(b), if you have criminal matters that are the subject of an order of non-disclosure, you are not required to reveal those criminal matters on this form. However, a criminal matter that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure may become a character and fitness of duty issue.

Pursuant to other sections of the Gov’t Code Chapter 411, the Texas Nursing Board is entitled to access criminal history record information that is subject of an order of non-disclosure. If the Board discovers a criminal matter that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure, even if you properly did not reveal that matter, the Board may require you to provide information about any conduct that raises issues of character.

Are you currently the target or subject of a grand jury or governmental agency investigation?:
Has any licensing authority refused to issue you a license or ever revoked, annulled, cancelled, accepted surrender of, suspended, placed on probation, refused to renew a license, certificate or multi-state privilege held by you now or previously, or ever fined, censured, reprimanded or otherwise disciplined you? (You may exclude disciplinary actions previously disclosed to the Texas Board of Nursing on an initial or renewal licensure application)

*Within the past five (5) years have you been diagnosed with, treated, or hospitalized for schizophrenia and/or a psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, paranoid personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, or borderline personality disorder? (You may answer “No” if you have completed and/or are in compliance with TPAPN for mental illness OR you’ve previously disclosed to the Texas Board of Nursing and have remained compliant with your treatment regimen and have had no further hospitalization since disclosure)
*In the past five (5) years, have you been addicted or treated for the use of alcohol or any other drug? (You may answer “No” if you have completed and/or are in compliance with TPAPN)

*Pursuant to the Occupations Code §301.207, information, including diagnosis and treatment, regarding an individual’s physical or mental condition, intemperate use of drugs or alcohol, or chemical dependency and information regarding an individual’s criminal history is confidential to the same extent that information collected as part of an investigation is confidential under the Occupations Code §301.466.

If your license has expired or you are not eligible for online renewal, download a paper copy renewal from the Boards web site.

For technical assistance with this application, please call 1-877-452-9060 or send an email to support AT

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