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Organization : Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Type of Facility : Permits For Businesses
Country: Aruba

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Additional permits for businesses

Next to a business license, some businesses need additional licenses before they can start their activities.

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Before applying for these additional permits, the business has to be established and registered at the Aruba Chamber and if applicable, the business establishment license has been applied for.

Businesses needing an additional license are food & beverage establishments; wholesale businesses; hotels & guesthouses; water sports & transportation; street vendors; telecommunication companies and equipment vendors as well as medicines and health related products. In certain cases a director’s license is also required.

Food & beverage licenses:
Restaurants, bars, café’s and night clubs have to apply for this license at the Ministry of Public Health. The applicant has to submit a petition to the Minister of Public Health, describing every possible activity, which can include the sale of food and beverage, dancing and music entertainment in the venture.

Documents to be submitted for the application are:
** Application letter directed to the Minister of Public Health
** Registration extract from the Aruba Chamber
** Valid business license, if applicable
** Copy of valid identification of applicant(s)
** Declaration of good health
** Design plan of the building

Wholesale license:
Wholesale businesses selling more than 9 liters of alcoholic beverages, including beer and wine, need to apply for this license (grossiersvergunning) at the Ministry of Public Health.

Documents to be submitted for the application are:
** Application letter directed to the Minister of Public Health
** Registration extract from the Aruba Chamber
** Valid business license (stating whole sale activity), if applicable
** Copy of valid identification of applicant(s)
** Design plan of the warehouse

Hotel & accommodation license:
Facilities offering lodging to guests are required to apply for a hotel or accommodation license. When the business has 9 rooms available for rental or less, an accommodation license is needed. This license includes the right to accommodate guests and to operate a restaurant in which wine and beer may be served.

When there are 10 rooms or more for rent, a hotel license is required. This license will provide the establishment the right to operate a hotel and a restaurant that serves all types of alcoholic beverages.

Documents to be submitted are:
** Letter of application directed to the Minister of Justice
** Registration extract from the Aruba Chamber
** Valid business license, if applicable

Watersport license:
The Navigation Department (Directie Scheepvaart) is responsible for this license. The petitioner has to direct a letter to the minister of Transportation describing all activities of the business. The Minister will base his decision on information and data received by the Navigation Department.

Documents to be submitted for the application are:
** Letter of application directed to the Minister of Transportation
** Registration extract from the Aruba Chamber
** Valid business license, if applicable
** Copy of the boat’s insurance
** Information report (description of boat type, engine; etc)
** Boat has to be submitted for approval and control by the Navigation Department.

Transportation license:
All public transportation businesses must have a transportation license. This includes taxis, buses, tour buses, and all rental motorized vehicles, for example cars, scooter, quad racers, motor cycles, etc. The petition for this license must be submitted at the Department of Public Transportation, (DOPV).

This Department will give its advice on each petition to the Minister of Transportation, whom will decide whether or not to grant a business a license. Depending on the type of business or license needed, the department might ask for additional information.

Documents to be submitted for the application are:
** Letter of application directed to the Minister of Transportation
** Registration extract from the Aruba Chamber
** Valid business license, if applicable
** Copy of proof of the inspection service
** Copy of valid insurance
** In case application concerns a sole proprietorship, the applicant must have Dutch citizenship and present a declaration of good conduct.
** In case application concerns a NV, at least one of the business partners must have the Dutch nationality.

Street vendors’ license:
Street vendors require a license from the Minister of General Affairs.

This license is granted only to applicants with the Dutch nationality. Necessary documents for application are as follows:
** Application letter to the Minister of General Affairs.
** Declaration of good health
** Declaration of good conduct
** Declaration of registration (from the Civil Registry Office)
** Copy of passport or declaration of Dutch citizenship.
** 8 florin stamp

In case application concerns a vehicle, applicant must also include:
** Copy of driver’s license
** Copy of proof of the inspection service

Director’s license:
The director’s license is necessary for each of the corporation’s (NV, AVV or VBA) managing directors, who were not born in Aruba, do not have the Dutch nationality and/or are younger than 18 years. This is also valid for managing directors of foundations and cooperative associations holding a business.

The application must be directed to the Minister of Economic Affairs. In case the applicant is a not an Aruban born Dutch national, a residency and work permit is required as well when intending to take up residency in Aruba and to be employed by the NV. The application for the work & residency permit must be directed to the Department of Foreign Admission (DIMAS).

Contact Information:
Phone: (+297) 582-1566
Fax: (+297) 583-3962
Email : info AT

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