All posts from Online Application For Certification & Check Status : Florida Department of Education

Organization : Florida Department of Education
Type of Facility : Online Application For Certification & Check Status
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FLDOE Online Application For Certification & Check Status

You must have a valid United States social security number to apply on-line.

Related : Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Educator Certification Online Application :

If you do not have a US social security number, please request an application form by mail.

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SSN Statement

Collection of your social security number (SSN) is required pursuant to §1012.56, Florida Statutes, for the purpose of promoting the public policy of Florida relating to child support. Your SSN is used by the Department as a unique identifier for maintaining your certification and related personnel records as required under the same statute.

Your SSN may be disclosed to the Department of Revenue, as authorized under §1012.21, Florida Statutes, as Florida’s agency for administration of the Title IV-D program of the federal Social Security Act for child support enforcement. Failure to provide your SSN to Educator Certification will prevent issuance of your Florida Educator’s Certificate.

You may now use this secure site to:
** Submit your On-line Application for Certification in Florida (see service options below)
** Update your mailing address in your Florida certification record
** Make payment for any unpaid fee balance using your major credit card
** Access current information about your Florida certification record

Completing Your Application On-line
Log in to this secure site or create your account using the options provided

Online Services

Once successfully logged in, Click on Submit Application to apply on-line for any of the following services:
** Evaluation of eligibility for an initial Florida Educator’s Certificate
** Evaluation for moving from your Florida Temporary to a Professional Educator’s Certificate
** Addition of a subject or endorsement to your valid Florida Educator’s Certificate*
** Reprint of your valid Florida Educator’s Certificate*
** Evaluation for a Florida Educator’s Certificate in Athletic Coaching
** Renewal of your Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate*
** Reinstatement of your expired Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate

In many instances these select services may also be completed by your Florida public school district employer. Please contact your local Florida public school district certification office for guidance and application procedures.

Complete your application by entering your information as requested in each of the application sections:
** Verify and attest via Affidavit that the information you enter is true, accurate, and complete
** Authorize payment of non-refundable application processing fees using your VISA or MasterCard credit card

** You will be charged the appropriate processing fee according to the certificate action or service you request
** You will be required to authorize payment for your on-line application using your Visa Card or MasterCard

** Submit additional documentation as directed in your On-line Application Receipt
** Additional documentation may include, but is not limited to:

** An official transcript bearing the registrar’s seal and signature from each college or university within the United States from which you have earned college level credit. You must have attained a bachelor’s or higher degree from an accredited or approved institution to be eligible for certification in Florida (except for the Athletic Coaching certificate).

** Please request your institution to submit an official transcript electronically to the Bureau of Educator Certification, if possible. Secure electronic submission via FASTER or SPEEDE is the preferred method of receipt by the Florida Department of Education in order to protect the confidentiality of your educational records, maintain the integrity of your personal identity, and speed the process of your certification application.

** Applicants with degrees from colleges or universities outside the United States should review the information for Foreign Trained Graduates or contact our office for an explanation of appropriate documentation of foreign degrees and credits.

** A complete photocopy of your valid certificate/s from other state/s, the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE), and/or the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). You may refer to the Pathways and Routes section of our website for more information regarding Florida’s use of out-of-state certificates for certification purposes.

Ensure that your social security number or Florida DOE# is clearly printed on all accompanying documents.

Your application package cannot be evaluated until it is complete and received in the Bureau of Educator Certification.

Contact Address

Submit all application documentation to the Bureau at the following Office Mailing Address:
Florida Department of Education
Bureau of Educator Certification
Room 201, Turlington Building
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

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