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All posts from Annual Return e-Reminder Service : Hong Kong Companies Registry

Organization : Hong Kong Companies Registry
Type of Facility : Annual Return e-Reminder Service
Country: Hong Kong

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Companies and their officers are responsible for complying with their obligations to deliver annual returns to the Registrar of Companies under the Companies Ordinance for registration and make their own arrangements to deliver the annual returns on time.

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An Annual Return e-Reminder Service (e-Reminder Service) is available at the e-Registry for all local companies and registered non-Hong Kong companies.

e-Reminder Service is a simple and user-friendly service which is provided at the e-Registry free of charge. Electronic notifications for delivering annual returns will be sent by the system to the message boxes and registered email addresses of users. Users can readily access the e-Registry through a hyperlink provided in the notifications for electronic submission of annual returns (e-Forms NAR1 or NN3).

Local private companies and registered non-Hong Kong companies which have registered Company User accounts with the e-Registry will automatically receive electronic notifications for delivering annual returns. For all types of companies, Individual Users of the e-Registry who have established account association with relevant Company Users may subscribe to the e-Reminder Service free of charge to receive notifications for electronic submission of annual returns of the companies. Individual Users can login the e-Registry portal [Annual Return e-Reminder > Subscription] and select “Local Private Company / Registered Non-Hong Kong Company” or “Public Company / Company Limited by Guarantee” to complete the subscription process.

Note to Subscribers of the Annual Return e-Alert Service:
The Annual Return e-Alert Service provided at this website has been replaced by the e-Reminder Service of our e-Registry. Subscribers of local private companies and registered non-Hong Kong companies will receive email notifications for delivering Annual Returns via the e-Reminder Service on the anniversary of their dates of incorporation and dates of registration respectively.

For local public companies and companies limited by guarantee, the subscribers will continue to receive email notifications on the dates they specified in the subscription of Annual Return e-Alert Service.

If subscribers would like to change the email address for receiving notifications or unsubscribe the Annual Return e-Reminder Service for the subscribed company, please send the request to for our processing.

Frequently Asked Questions on “Annual Return e-Reminder Service”:
What is Annual Return e-Reminder Service?:
Annual Return e-Reminder Service (“e-Reminder Service”) is a simple and user-friendly service which is provided at the e-Registry free of charge. Electronic notifications for delivering annual returns will be sent by the system to the message boxes and registered email addresses of users. Users can readily access the e-Registry through a hyperlink provided in the notifications for electronic submission of annual returns (e-Forms NAR1 or NN3).

Do I need to pay for the e-Reminder Service?:
No. The e-Reminder Service is provided free of charge.

Do I need to subscribe to the e-Reminder Service?:
Local private companies and registered non-Hong Kong companies which have registered Company User accounts with the e-Registry will automatically receive the electronic notifications for delivering annual returns.

For all types of companies, Individual Users of the e-Registry who have established account association with relevant Company Users may subscribe to the e-Reminder Service free of charge to receive notifications for electronic submission of annual returns of the companies.

You can login the e-Registry portal [Annual Return e-Reminder > Subscription] and select “Local Private Company / Registered Non-Hong Kong Company” or “Public Company / Company Limited by Guarantee” to complete the subscription process.

When will I receive the e-Reminder for delivering annual return of my company?:
For local private companies and registered non-Hong Kong companies, electronic notifications will be sent on the anniversary of their dates of incorporation and dates of registration respectively.

For local public companies and companies limited by guarantee, electronic notifications will be sent on the dates specified by you in your subscription.

To avoid delays owing to unforeseen circumstances and payment of higher annual registration fees, you are advised to submit the e-Form NAR1 (for local companies) and e-Form NN3 (for registered non-Hong Kong companies) as early as possible.

How many companies can I subscribe for the e-Reminder Service?:
There is no restriction on the number of companies you wish to subscribe.

Can I change the date of receiving the e-Reminder for delivering annual return?:
For local public companies and companies limited by guarantee, you can change the date of receiving notifications by using [Annual Return e-Reminder > Change of notification date] function. This function is not applicable to local private companies and registered non-Hong Kong companies.

Can I view the list of companies which I have subscribed the e-Reminder Service?:
Yes. You can login the e-Registry portal [Annual Return e-Reminder > Enquiry/Unsubscription] to view the list of all companies which you have subscribed the e-Reminder Service.

Can I unsubscribe the e-Reminder Service?:
Yes. You can unsubscribe the e-Reminder Service for any company at any time you wish. You can login the e-Registry portal [Annual Return e-Reminder > Enquiry/Unsubscription] to complete the unsubscription process.

Do I need to renew my subscription?:
No. Electronic notifications for delivering annual returns will be automatically sent to you until you have unsubscribed the e-Reminder Service or your subscription has been terminated (please refer to Q10).

Under what circumstances will my subscription to the e-Reminder Service for a company be terminated?:
Your subscription of the e-Reminder Service for a company will be terminated when the company has dissolved or ceased to exist as a separate entity or ceased to have a place of business in Hong Kong (for registered non-Hong Kong companies only). The e-Reminder Service will also be terminated when the account association between the company and you has ceased.

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